The Petrophysics Program (OFC) targets to bridge and integrate knowledge from physics, chemistry, math, geology, geophysics and petroleum engineering to provide solutions to problems relevant to rocks and natural resources and provide support for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Program Mission & Vision
To advance the fundamental understanding of fluid flow and petrophysical properties from the pore to macroscopic scale with a focus on tackling upstream-related challenges. We bridge and integrate knowledge from physics, chemistry, math, geology, geophysics and petroleum engineering to provide solutions to problems relevant to rocks and natural resources and provide support for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia mission of carbon neutrality and energy storage. We focus on three main domains:
- Flow Dynamics in Porous Media
- Multiphase flow properties, Fluid-rock interaction, Underground energy storage, Flow and behavior of complex fluids (foam, scCO2, polymers, emulsions) in natural rocks.
- Advanced Petrophysics of Conventional and Unconventional Resources
- NMR, Dielectric and SIP properties in rocks, Elastic and mechanical properties of minerals and kerogen, Heterogeneous rocks characterization and reservoir quality, Formation evaluation of challenging reservoirs such as low resistivity pay zones, tight rocks, and shales.
- Multi-Scale Rock-Physics
- Digital, Experimental and Theoretical rock physics, pore to core analysis, well-log and seismic scale rock-physics
Program Outcomes
- Impact of Acid Wormhole on the Mechanical Properties of Various Carbonates
- Velocity-Porosity-Mineralogy Model for Unconventional Shale and Its Applications to Digital Rock Physics
- Technology development towards carbon neutrality and efficient energy storage
- Development of NMR diffusion techniques for characterization of complex reservoir rocks
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR - 2.2 MHz) core analyzer
- High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) resistivity core flooding system
- Gas Absorbtion Analyser
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Coreflood apparatus coupled with axially distributed electrical resistivity and pressure sensors
- High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) electrical resistivity and capillary pressure apparatus
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Multi frequency Megnetic Resonance imaging (MRI)
Supervisor: Nadeem Ahmed Syed
List of instrumentation available:
- FEI's Helios Nanolab is an Ultra High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technology
Supervisor: Syed R. Hussaini and Hani S. AlMukainah
List of instrumentation available:
- Toshiba Alexion TSX-032A medical X-ray CT scanner (resolution > 1 mm)
Supervisor: Syed R. Hussaini
List of instrumentation available:
- Zeiss Versa XRM-500 X-ray micro-CT scanner (True Spatial Resolution™ > 0.7μm)
Supervisor: Dr. Ammar El-Husseiny, Saud Al-Dughaimi and Taqi Alzaki
List of instrumentation available:
- AutoLab 1500: High pressure triaxial system for measuring both static and dynamic geomechanical properties as well as resistivity at reservoir pressures up to 70 MPa (10,000 psi)
- AutoLab 500: Manually operated hydrostatic system for measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities at reservoir pressures up to 70 MPa (10,000 psi)
- Benchtop Velocity: Measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities at ambient pressure
- BenchLab 7000: Designed to measure petrophysical rock properties at reservoir pressures in a compact modular setup. Properties measured include porosity, permeability, low permeability, and electrical resistivity at confining pressures up to 10,000 psi (70 MPa) with gas or liquid pore fluids
- COMSOL Multiphysics simulation of rock mechanics stress strain lab experiments based on advanced numerical methods
- Advanced Resistivity ARS-300: 4 electrode resistivity measuring system for ambient and reservoir pressure conditions
- Proceq Pundit: Portable ultrasound pulse velocity measuring system to analyze rock sample properties using a frequency range 20 to 500 kHz
- CAMSIZER X2: Particle size and shape analyzer with a wide measuring range for grain sizes using dynamic image analysis
About the Program
Program Mission & Vision
To advance the fundamental understanding of fluid flow and petrophysical properties from the pore to macroscopic scale with a focus on tackling upstream-related challenges. We bridge and integrate knowledge from physics, chemistry, math, geology, geophysics and petroleum engineering to provide solutions to problems relevant to rocks and natural resources and provide support for the kingdom of Saudi Arabia mission of carbon neutrality and energy storage. We focus on three main domains:
- Flow Dynamics in Porous Media
- Multiphase flow properties, Fluid-rock interaction, Underground energy storage, Flow and behavior of complex fluids (foam, scCO2, polymers, emulsions) in natural rocks.
- Advanced Petrophysics of Conventional and Unconventional Resources
- NMR, Dielectric and SIP properties in rocks, Elastic and mechanical properties of minerals and kerogen, Heterogeneous rocks characterization and reservoir quality, Formation evaluation of challenging reservoirs such as low resistivity pay zones, tight rocks, and shales.
- Multi-Scale Rock-Physics
- Digital, Experimental and Theoretical rock physics, pore to core analysis, well-log and seismic scale rock-physics
Program Outcomes
- Impact of Acid Wormhole on the Mechanical Properties of Various Carbonates
- Velocity-Porosity-Mineralogy Model for Unconventional Shale and Its Applications to Digital Rock Physics
- Technology development towards carbon neutrality and efficient energy storage
- Development of NMR diffusion techniques for characterization of complex reservoir rocks
Associated Labs
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR - 2.2 MHz) core analyzer
- High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) resistivity core flooding system
- Gas Absorbtion Analyser
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Coreflood apparatus coupled with axially distributed electrical resistivity and pressure sensors
- High Pressure High Temperature (HPHT) electrical resistivity and capillary pressure apparatus
Supervisor: Dr. Abdulrauf Adebayo, Rahul S. Babu and Suaibu O. Badmus
List of instrumentation available:
- Multi frequency Megnetic Resonance imaging (MRI)
Supervisor: Nadeem Ahmed Syed
List of instrumentation available:
- FEI's Helios Nanolab is an Ultra High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) equipped with Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technology
Supervisor: Syed R. Hussaini and Hani S. AlMukainah
List of instrumentation available:
- Toshiba Alexion TSX-032A medical X-ray CT scanner (resolution > 1 mm)
Supervisor: Syed R. Hussaini
List of instrumentation available:
- Zeiss Versa XRM-500 X-ray micro-CT scanner (True Spatial Resolution™ > 0.7μm)
Supervisor: Dr. Ammar El-Husseiny, Saud Al-Dughaimi and Taqi Alzaki
List of instrumentation available:
- AutoLab 1500: High pressure triaxial system for measuring both static and dynamic geomechanical properties as well as resistivity at reservoir pressures up to 70 MPa (10,000 psi)
- AutoLab 500: Manually operated hydrostatic system for measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities at reservoir pressures up to 70 MPa (10,000 psi)
- Benchtop Velocity: Measurements of compressional and shear wave velocities at ambient pressure
- BenchLab 7000: Designed to measure petrophysical rock properties at reservoir pressures in a compact modular setup. Properties measured include porosity, permeability, low permeability, and electrical resistivity at confining pressures up to 10,000 psi (70 MPa) with gas or liquid pore fluids
- COMSOL Multiphysics simulation of rock mechanics stress strain lab experiments based on advanced numerical methods
- Advanced Resistivity ARS-300: 4 electrode resistivity measuring system for ambient and reservoir pressure conditions
- Proceq Pundit: Portable ultrasound pulse velocity measuring system to analyze rock sample properties using a frequency range 20 to 500 kHz
- CAMSIZER X2: Particle size and shape analyzer with a wide measuring range for grain sizes using dynamic image analysis