The multi-scale multi-physics Modeling (3M) research program aims to target challenges at the molecular and reservoir scales.

Program Mission & Vision
The multi-scale multi-physics Modeling (3M) research program aim to target challenging problems at the molecular and reservoir scales. Using the basics chemical and physical science to propose rational solutions of the oil & gas challenging upstream problems. In the molecular scale, we have powerful computational tools such as molecular dynamics and density functional theory (DFT) to examine in high accuracy the molecular interactions that shape several macroscopic phenomena such as the interfacial tension and wettability alteration. We also interested to understand the impact of these phenomena on the oil recovery at the reservoir scale. To achieve these goals, we are focusing on the following research topics:
- Optimization of chemical structures for ultra-low IFT under reservoir conditions
- Optimization of the polymer structures for mobility control
- Chemical reactions under harsh conditions for polymer & surfactants stability application
- Rock-Fluid interfaces for wettability alteration control
- Scale inhibition & removal for follow assurance applications
- H2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs
- CO2 sequestration at reservoir scale
- Uncertainty quantification
By addressing these research topics that tackles the upstream challenging problems from different aspects, we aim to provide deep understanding of the function-structure relationship. Such understating will help to develop new strategies & smart solutions for enhancing the oil & gas industry and diversifying the kingdom economy.
Program Outcomes
- Propose new surfactants & polymers for enhanced oil recovery.
- New molecular agents for wettability alteration targeting EOR applications
- Establishing the molecular mechanism of small molecules & polymers for the scale inhibition and removal targeting the follow assurance application.
- New guides for the H2 storage and the recommended cushion gas for best storage application.
The Mutiscale Multiphysics Modeling is highly dependent on CPG's own High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility. Click here more more info.
About the Program
Program Mission & Vision
The multi-scale multi-physics Modeling (3M) research program aim to target challenging problems at the molecular and reservoir scales. Using the basics chemical and physical science to propose rational solutions of the oil & gas challenging upstream problems. In the molecular scale, we have powerful computational tools such as molecular dynamics and density functional theory (DFT) to examine in high accuracy the molecular interactions that shape several macroscopic phenomena such as the interfacial tension and wettability alteration. We also interested to understand the impact of these phenomena on the oil recovery at the reservoir scale. To achieve these goals, we are focusing on the following research topics:
- Optimization of chemical structures for ultra-low IFT under reservoir conditions
- Optimization of the polymer structures for mobility control
- Chemical reactions under harsh conditions for polymer & surfactants stability application
- Rock-Fluid interfaces for wettability alteration control
- Scale inhibition & removal for follow assurance applications
- H2 storage in depleted oil reservoirs
- CO2 sequestration at reservoir scale
- Uncertainty quantification
By addressing these research topics that tackles the upstream challenging problems from different aspects, we aim to provide deep understanding of the function-structure relationship. Such understating will help to develop new strategies & smart solutions for enhancing the oil & gas industry and diversifying the kingdom economy.
Program Outcomes
- Propose new surfactants & polymers for enhanced oil recovery.
- New molecular agents for wettability alteration targeting EOR applications
- Establishing the molecular mechanism of small molecules & polymers for the scale inhibition and removal targeting the follow assurance application.
- New guides for the H2 storage and the recommended cushion gas for best storage application.
Associated Labs
The Mutiscale Multiphysics Modeling is highly dependent on CPG's own High-Performance Computing (HPC) facility. Click here more more info.