The Colloids & Interface Science targets to utilize nanoparticles to contribute to upstream applications

Program Mission & Vision
The Colloids & Interface Science (CIS) program focuses on the interfacial sciences in the multiphase systems involving colloidal materials. CIS aims to develop functional colloidal nanoparticles that can tune the interfacial properties of gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and liquid-solid and understand the underlying mechanisms of particles' behaviors on the interfaces. Through the combination of theory and experiments from the nanoscale to the macroscale, we carry out basic researches targeting several upstream challenges, including oil field sensing, enhanced oil recovery, foam and emulsion stabilization, CO2 geological sequestration, etc. Three subtopics will be focused:
- Functionalized nanoparticles: synthesis, modification, and stable colloids in HTHP
- Novel fluorescent nanoparticles for ultra-sensitive sensing and tracing in reservoir condition.
- Surface-active nanoparticles for wettability alternation at oil-water-rock interfaces.
- Optical visualization of nanoparticle-loaded interfaces
- Nanoscopic imaging of oil detachment enhanced by nanoparticles.
- Microfluidic imaging of foams, emulsions and scCO2 stabilized by nanoparticles.
- Optical imaging and mapping of luminescent nanoparticles in oil, core, and micromodel.
- Micro/nano CT visualization of multiphase flows.
- Dynamic interaction between gas-liquid-solid interfaces and nanoparticles
- Diffusion and diffusiophoresis of nanoparticles around and across the interfaces.
- Effects of nanoparticles on oil displacement and CO2 trapping efficiencies in cores and micromodels.
With these endeavors, we anticipate providing cutting-edge output from material sciences, fundamental physics, and practical upstream applications, which facilitates energy security and sustainability goals in Saudi Arabia.
Program Outcomes
- New, novel functional (fluorescent and magnetic) nanomaterials and their physical properties.
- Developing imaging techniques to visualize nanoparticles, foams, emulsions or multiphase flows in oil, cores or other porous media in nano-, micro- and macro-scale.
- Developing techniques and methodologies for fundamental studies and evaluations of chemical EOR, nanoparticles EOR and sc-CO2 EOR in carbonate cores, and applying these techniques to carbonate reservoirs in Saudi Arabia.
Supervisor: Xianmin Zhou & Ridha Al-Abdrabalnabi
List of instrumentation available:
- Apparatus for dynamic parameter evaluation for chemical EOR
- Dual core flooding apparatus
- MMP (minimum miscibility pressure) apparatus
- HTHP X-Ray relative permeability apparatus
- HTHP phase behavior apparatus
- HTHP sc-CO2 foam rheometer
- Modifiable core flooding apparatus
- ZEISS Xradia Ultra Nanoscale Dynamic X-ray Imaging apparatus (nanoscale resolved 3D images of rocks while being flooded with various injection fluids)
Supervisor: Dr. Wei Yu
List of instrumentation available:
- HTHP microfluidic system
- Glass Micro-model fabrication system
Supervisor: Dr. Sivabalan Vijayalakshmi
List of instrumentation available:
- HTHP Core Flooding Apparatus
Supervisor: Dr. Jack Lo
List of instrumentation available:
- Abberior Instruments Twin-head Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Nanoscope (an advanced optical microscope with a cutting-edge resolution of down to 20 nm)
Supervisor: Dr. Zhengwei Pan & Dr. Yafei Chen
List of instrumentation available:
- High temperature (1200 °C - 1700 °C) muffle and tube furnaces
- Anton Parr Monowave 450 microwave reactor for nanoparticles synthesis
- CEM Explorer 12 microwave reactor for nanoparticles synthesis
- Netzsch MicoCer Laboratory Mill (to grind microscale particles to nanoscale particles)
- Eppendorf Multipurpose Centrifuge (5810R)
- Anton Parr Autosorb iQ Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area analyzer
- Malvern Zetasizer (Nano ZS) system
- Hielscher UIP1000hdT ultrasonic processor
Supervisor: Dr. Zhengwei Pan & Dr. Yafei Chen
List of instrumentation available:
- Horiba Nanolog spectrofluorometer (excitation: 180–900 nm; emission: 200–1700 nm)
- Horiba H20-UVL VUV Fluo iHR spectrometer (excitation: 115–400 nm; emission: 200–1700 nm)
- Princeton Instruments spectrograph system (with an Energetiq EQ-99 LDLS light source, a BLAZE 400HR CCD camera, a PIXIS: 2KBUV CCD camera)
- Ocean Optics QE series fiber spectrometers (200 – 1700 nm)
- Princeton Instruments FERGIE Raman spectrograph
- Cary 7000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer
- Horiba Deutta fluorescence and absorbance spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer IVIS Lumina III imaging system (Si CCD camera)
- Home-made SWIR imaging system with a Princeton Instruments NIRvana: 640 InGaAs SWIR camera
- Ofil DayCor LuminarHD corona camera for UVC imaging
- NewPort LCS-100 solar simulator
- Power-tunable laser diodes (405–980 nm)
Supervisor: Xianmin Joe Zhou
Principal instrumentation:
- ZEISS Xradia Ultra Nanoscale Dynamic X-ray Imaging apparatus (nanoscale resolved 3D images of rocks while being flooded with various injection fluids)
About the Program
Program Mission & Vision
The Colloids & Interface Science (CIS) program focuses on the interfacial sciences in the multiphase systems involving colloidal materials. CIS aims to develop functional colloidal nanoparticles that can tune the interfacial properties of gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and liquid-solid and understand the underlying mechanisms of particles' behaviors on the interfaces. Through the combination of theory and experiments from the nanoscale to the macroscale, we carry out basic researches targeting several upstream challenges, including oil field sensing, enhanced oil recovery, foam and emulsion stabilization, CO2 geological sequestration, etc. Three subtopics will be focused:
- Functionalized nanoparticles: synthesis, modification, and stable colloids in HTHP
- Novel fluorescent nanoparticles for ultra-sensitive sensing and tracing in reservoir condition.
- Surface-active nanoparticles for wettability alternation at oil-water-rock interfaces.
- Optical visualization of nanoparticle-loaded interfaces
- Nanoscopic imaging of oil detachment enhanced by nanoparticles.
- Microfluidic imaging of foams, emulsions and scCO2 stabilized by nanoparticles.
- Optical imaging and mapping of luminescent nanoparticles in oil, core, and micromodel.
- Micro/nano CT visualization of multiphase flows.
- Dynamic interaction between gas-liquid-solid interfaces and nanoparticles
- Diffusion and diffusiophoresis of nanoparticles around and across the interfaces.
- Effects of nanoparticles on oil displacement and CO2 trapping efficiencies in cores and micromodels.
With these endeavors, we anticipate providing cutting-edge output from material sciences, fundamental physics, and practical upstream applications, which facilitates energy security and sustainability goals in Saudi Arabia.
Program Outcomes
- New, novel functional (fluorescent and magnetic) nanomaterials and their physical properties.
- Developing imaging techniques to visualize nanoparticles, foams, emulsions or multiphase flows in oil, cores or other porous media in nano-, micro- and macro-scale.
- Developing techniques and methodologies for fundamental studies and evaluations of chemical EOR, nanoparticles EOR and sc-CO2 EOR in carbonate cores, and applying these techniques to carbonate reservoirs in Saudi Arabia.
Associated Labs
Supervisor: Xianmin Zhou & Ridha Al-Abdrabalnabi
List of instrumentation available:
- Apparatus for dynamic parameter evaluation for chemical EOR
- Dual core flooding apparatus
- MMP (minimum miscibility pressure) apparatus
- HTHP X-Ray relative permeability apparatus
- HTHP phase behavior apparatus
- HTHP sc-CO2 foam rheometer
- Modifiable core flooding apparatus
- ZEISS Xradia Ultra Nanoscale Dynamic X-ray Imaging apparatus (nanoscale resolved 3D images of rocks while being flooded with various injection fluids)
Supervisor: Dr. Wei Yu
List of instrumentation available:
- HTHP microfluidic system
- Glass Micro-model fabrication system
Supervisor: Dr. Sivabalan Vijayalakshmi
List of instrumentation available:
- HTHP Core Flooding Apparatus
Supervisor: Dr. Jack Lo
List of instrumentation available:
- Abberior Instruments Twin-head Stimulated Emission Depletion (STED) Nanoscope (an advanced optical microscope with a cutting-edge resolution of down to 20 nm)
Supervisor: Dr. Zhengwei Pan & Dr. Yafei Chen
List of instrumentation available:
- High temperature (1200 °C - 1700 °C) muffle and tube furnaces
- Anton Parr Monowave 450 microwave reactor for nanoparticles synthesis
- CEM Explorer 12 microwave reactor for nanoparticles synthesis
- Netzsch MicoCer Laboratory Mill (to grind microscale particles to nanoscale particles)
- Eppendorf Multipurpose Centrifuge (5810R)
- Anton Parr Autosorb iQ Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area analyzer
- Malvern Zetasizer (Nano ZS) system
- Hielscher UIP1000hdT ultrasonic processor
Supervisor: Dr. Zhengwei Pan & Dr. Yafei Chen
List of instrumentation available:
- Horiba Nanolog spectrofluorometer (excitation: 180–900 nm; emission: 200–1700 nm)
- Horiba H20-UVL VUV Fluo iHR spectrometer (excitation: 115–400 nm; emission: 200–1700 nm)
- Princeton Instruments spectrograph system (with an Energetiq EQ-99 LDLS light source, a BLAZE 400HR CCD camera, a PIXIS: 2KBUV CCD camera)
- Ocean Optics QE series fiber spectrometers (200 – 1700 nm)
- Princeton Instruments FERGIE Raman spectrograph
- Cary 7000 UV-Vis-NIR spectrometer
- Horiba Deutta fluorescence and absorbance spectrometer
- Perkin Elmer IVIS Lumina III imaging system (Si CCD camera)
- Home-made SWIR imaging system with a Princeton Instruments NIRvana: 640 InGaAs SWIR camera
- Ofil DayCor LuminarHD corona camera for UVC imaging
- NewPort LCS-100 solar simulator
- Power-tunable laser diodes (405–980 nm)
Supervisor: Xianmin Joe Zhou
Principal instrumentation:
- ZEISS Xradia Ultra Nanoscale Dynamic X-ray Imaging apparatus (nanoscale resolved 3D images of rocks while being flooded with various injection fluids)