Abdul Latif Ashadi
Technical Research Assistant, Laboratory Technical Support & Services
Ashadi is an Indonesian research assistant that handles numerous scopes of research, e.g., application of applied EM methodology in geothermal exploration, 3D MT modelling and inversion, general near-surface geophysics, as well as earthquake seismological studies. He finished his MS degree in Geophysics from the Geosciences Department, KFUPM in 2015. Shortly after graduation, he has been employed as a Tech. Research Assistant to handle Geophysics lab in the same department. Acquisition, processing, and interpretation of geophysical data acquired using a variety of advanced geophysical equipment is his main jobs in collaboration with students, researchers, and professors.
Educational Qualification
- M.S., Geosciences, KFUPM, KSA, 2015.
- B.S., Physics, Diponegoro University, Indonesia, 2011.
Research Interests
- Applied Electromagnetic methods (MT, AMT, LOTEM, and TEM)
- Near-Surface Geophysics
- Earthquake seismology
Selected Publications
- Abdul Latif Ashadi, Bulent Tezkan, Pritam Yogeshwar, Tilman Hanstein, Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Abid Khogali, Konstantinos Chavanidis and Pantelis Soupios. “Magnetotelluric Case Study from Ain Al-Harrah Hot Spring, Al-Lith, Saudi Arabia”. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2023). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08293-8
- Abdul Latif Ashadi, Yardenia Martinez, Panagiotis Kirmizakis, Tilman Hanstein, Xiayu Xu, Abid Khogali, Andri Yadi Paembonan, Ahmed AlShaibani, Assem Al-Karnos, Maxim Smirnov, Kurt Strack, and Pantelis Soupios. “First High-Power CSEM Field Test in Saudi Arabia”. Minerals 12 (2022), no. 10: 1236. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12101236
- Septriandi A. Chan, Paul E., Sikandar K., Abdul Latif Ashadi, Al-Shuhail, Abdullatif A. “Viscoelastic Model and Synthetic Seismic Data of Eastern Rub’ Al-Khali”. Appl. Sci. (2021), 11, no. 4: 1401. https://doi.org/10.3390/app11041401
- Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullah A. Alshuhail, Yehia A. Khulief, Oluseun A. Sanuade, Ayman F. Al-Lehyani, Septriandi A. Chan, Abdul Latif Ashadi, Mohammed Zia Ullah Khan, Sikandar Khan, Adnan M. Almubarak, Salem G. AlJuhani, and Syed Abdul Salam. “Digital viscoelastic seismic models and data sets of central Saudi Arabia in the presence of near-surface karst features”. Journal of Seismic Exploration (2020) 29, 15-28.
- Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullah A. Alshuhail, Yehia A. Khulief, Septriandi A. Chan, Abdul Latif Ashadi, Ayman F. Al-Lehyani, Adnan M. Almubarak, Mohammed Zia Ullah Khan, Sikandar Khan, Salem G. AlJuhani and Khalid A. Abdulrahman. “KFUPM Ghawar Digital Viscoelastic Seismic Model”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2019) 12:245, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4390-4
- Abdul Latif Ashadi and SanLinn Isma’il Kaka. “Ground-Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes in Java Island, Indonesia”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-018-3563-x
- Abdul Latif Ashadi, Udi Harmoko, Gatot Yuliyanto, and SanLinn I. Kaka. “Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis for Central Java Province, Indonesia”, Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America (2015) 105 (3): 1711-1720. https://doi.org/10.1785/0120140277
Awards & Honors
- Staff Member of the Year – Special Recognition, College of Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences (CPG), KFUPM, 2023
- 1st Winner of the 1st Dhahran Geoscience Society (DGS) – Student Symposium, Saudi Arabia, 2014
- Graduate Fellowship, KFUPM, 2013 – 2015

Fyl Louie D. Panoy
Technical Research Assistant, Laboratory Technical Support & Services
Fyl assumed his role as a technical research assistant at CIPR on Apr. 4, 2012. His experience was long honed in thin section preparation and other key lab assignments.
Educational Qualification
- Bachelors of Science in Community Development, North West Samar State University, Philippines – 2006