Dr. Martin Andersson

Tel: Tel: +966 (013) 860-​5579

Location: Bldg. 78, Rm. 2020

Dr. Martin Andersson

Program Leader – Multiscale Multiphysics Modeling, Research Scientist I, CIPR

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., in Chemistry (Chemical Physics), Lund University, Sweden – 2004
  • M.S. & B.S. (equivalent) in Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics), Lund University, Sweden 1999

Research Interests

  • Developing a first-principles based unified model for predicting properties of water and complex aqueous systems
  • Developing a first-principles based method for predicting emulsion and microemulsion properties
  • Developing a universal model for mineral growth and dissolution

Selected Publications

  • P. Andersson, The shape of water – how cluster formation provides a unifying explanation of water’s anomalous properties, JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, 383, 122169, 2023
  • M. Turchi, A.P. Karcz, P. Andersson, First-principles prediction of critical micellar concentrations for ionic and nonionic surfactants, JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE, 606, 618-627, 2022
  • P. Andersson, T. Hassenkam, J. Matthiesen, L.V. Nikolajsen, D.H. Okhrimenko, S. Dobberschütz, S.L.S. Stipp, First-principles prediction of surface wetting, LANGMUIR, 36 (42), 12451-12459, 2020
  • Dobbershütz, M.R. Nielsen, K.K. Sand, R. Civioc, N. Bovet, S.L.S. Stipp, M.P. Andersson, The mechanisms of crystal growth inhibition by organic and inorganic inhibitors, NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9, 1578, 2018
  • Hassenkam, M.P. Andersson, K.N. Dalby, D. Mackenzie, M.T. Rosing, Elements of Eoarchean life trapped in mineral inclusions, NATURE, 548, 78-81, 2017
  • P. Andersson, S. Dobberschütz, K.K. Sand, D.J. Tobler, J.J. De Yoreo, S.L.S. Stipp, A microkinetic model of calcite step growth, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE INT. ED., 55, 11086-11090, 2016
  • Handa, M.P. Andersson, F. Gallou, J. Reilly, B.H. Lipshutz, HandaPhos: a general ligand enabling sustainable ppm levels of palladium‐catalyzed cross‐couplings in water at room temperature, ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE INT. ED., 55, 4914-4918, 2016
  • P. Andersson, M.V. Bennetzen, A. Klamt, S.L.S. Stipp, First-principles prediction of liquid/liquid interfacial tension, JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, 10(8), 3401-3408, 2014, (This method has been implemented in the commercial package COSMOtherm)

Awards & Honors

  • Full scholarship for tuition fee for an exchange year at University of California, Santa Cruz (1997-1998)
  • 5000 SEK award for being top 1% during the first year of full time Mathematics studies, Lund University (1996)