Dr. SanLinn I. Kaka

Tel: +966 (013) 860-8641
Fax: +966 (013) 860-2595

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 2145/2212-1

Dr. SanLinn I. Kaka

Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator, CPG Student Affairs Office, Department of Geosciences

Dr. SANLINN I. KAKA received his Ph.D. degree in Earth Sciences from Carleton University,  Ottawa, Canada in 2006. Currently, he is a faculty member and graduate coordinator in the Department of Geosciences at King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. His research interests are in the areas of engineering seismology, reservoir characterization and monitoring, ground-motions relations and near-surface geophysics. His recent research focuses on applications of microseismic monitoring systems, enhancement, detection and localization of microseismic events as well as understanding fracture growth and the role of pre-existing fractures during multi-stage hydraulic fracture stimulation of shale gas reservoirs

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., Earth Sciences, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada, 2006.

Research Interests

  • Applications of AI in Geophysics
  • Application of advanced signal processing techniques
  • Analysis of microseismic data for reservoir monitoring and characterization
  • Near surface geophysics
  • Probabilistic seismic hazard analysis & Empirical ground motion relations

Selected Publications

Extended Publications (+)

  • S L Kaka, “Stress Mechanism of Microseismic Events During Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation for Unconventional Hydrocarbon Reservoirs”, 82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition  (1), 1-14, 2020.
  • Sağır, Ç., Kurtuluş, B., Soupios, P., Ayrancı, K., Düztaş, E., Aksoy, M.E., Avşar, Ö.,Erdem, G.,  Pekkan, E., Canoğlu, M.C., Kaka, S.I., Razack, M, “Investigating the Structure of a Coastal Karstic Aquifer through the Hydrogeological Characterization of Springs Using Geophysical Methods and Field Investigation, Gökova Bay, SW Turkey”  Water   12, 3343, 2020.
  • Dmitry Alexandrov, Leo Eisner, Umair bin Waheed, SanLinn I. Kaka and Stewart Alan Greenhalgh, “Detection, location and source mechanism determination with large noise variations in surface microseismic monitoring”, Geophysics, 85 (6), 1-37, 2020.
  • Dmitry Alexandrov, Leo Eisner, SanLinn Kaka, Stewart Greenhalgh and Umair ben Waheed, “Normal faulting activated by hydraulic fracturing: A case study from the Barnett Shale, Fort Worth Basin, Texas, USA” accepted, the Leading Edge, 39 (3), 204-211. 2020.
  • RC Sidle, B Jarihani, S L I Kaka, J Koci, A Al-Shaibani, “ Hydrogeomorphic processes affecting dryland gully erosion: Implications for modelling”, Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 43 (1), 46-64, 2019.
  • RC Sidle, AM Al‐Shaibani, S L I Kaka, “Geomorphic hazards in south‐west Saudi Arabia: The human–environmental nexus”, Area 51 (4), 670-680, 2019.
  • N Iqbal, B Liu, M Deriche, A Al-Shuhail, S L Kaka, A Zerguine,  “Blind noise estimation and denoising filter for recovery of microquake signals”, Exploration Geophysics 50 (5), 502-513, 2019.
  • M Al‐Marzooq, MS Diallo, V Etienne, T Tonellot, S L I Kaka, “Mitigating the effects of sand dunes on seismic data from the Rub al Khali basin, Saudi Arabia”, Geophysical Prospecting 67 (7), 1825-1837, 2019.
  • AO Adelu, AA Aderemi, AO Akanji, OA Sanuade, S L I Kaka, O Afolabi, “Application of 3D static modeling for optimal reservoir characterization”, Journal of African Earth Sciences 152, 184-196, 2019.
  • N Iqbal, A . Zerguine, A. Al-Shuhail and S. Kaka, “Blind noise estimation and denoising filter for recovery of microquake signals”, Exploration Geophysics, 50 (5), 502-531, 2019.
  • Ashadi A and S. I. Kaka, “Ground-Motion Relations for Subduction-Zone Earthquakes in Java Island, Indonesia”, AJSE, 44 (1), 449-465,  2018.
  • Iqbal , E. Liu, J.H. McClellan, A. A. Al-Shuhail, S. I. Kaka and A . Zerguine “Detection and Denoising of Microseismic Events using Tensor Decomposition and Time-frequency Representation”, IEEE Access 6, 22993-23006, 2018.

Awards & Honors

  • Associate Professor/Graduate Coordinator (Geosciences) / Head, CPG Student Affairs
  • Scientific Advisory Board Member, Science and Technology for Exploration and Production Solutions (STEPS)