Dr. Theis Ivan Solling

Tel: +966 (013) 860-3251 / 860-1341
Fax: +966 (013) 860-3989

Location: PEGTC, Rm. 1020 / Bldg. 78, Rm. 3042

Dr. Theis Ivan Solling

Director, Oilfield Chemistry Program, Program Leader, CIPR

Dr. Solling is currently a Senior Research Scientist and the Program Lead of the Oilfield Chemistry program in the Center for Integrative Petroleum Research, College of Petroleum Engineering & Geoscience, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.  Dr. Solling has a background in Physical Organic Chemistry as studied with ultrafast lasers, and interest that came from his postdoc years at Caltech under the guidance of late Professor Ahmed H. Zewail. After a three year position as a Researcher at Risø National Labs, Dr. Solling became Associate Professor (Organic Chemistry) at the University of Copenhagen and worked on ultrafast phenomena until he was appointed team lead at Maersk Oil Research and Technology Centre in Qatar.  He returned to the University of Copenhagen as a Full Professor in 2016 to set up an educational specialization in Chemistry for the oil and gas sector.  In 2018 he moved to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be a part of CIPR.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 2000.
  • M.S., Chemistry, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1997.

Research Interests

  • Reaction Dynamics and ultra-fast processes in organic molecules
  • Pore-scale phenomena
  • Molecular level understanding of liquid-liquid and liquid-solid interfaces
  • Mechanisms for the transformation of organic molecules

Selected Publications

  • M. Farrell, M. M. Brister, M. Pittelkow, T. I. Sølling, C. E. Crespo-Hernández, Heavy-Atom-Substituted Nucleobases in Photodynamic Applications: Substitution of Sulfur with Selenium in 6-Thioguanine Induces a Remarkable Increase in the Rate of Triplet Decay in 6-Selenoguanine
    J. Am. Chem. Soc., DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b07665
  • S. Al-Kaabi, M. A. Al-Ghouti, M. Oualha, M. A. Mohammad, A. Al-Naemi, T. I. Solling, N. Al-Shamari, N. Zouari, A MALDI-TOF study of bio-remediation in highly weathered oil contaminated soils
    J. Petrol. Sci. Eng. 2018, 168, 569-576.
  • Muñoz, T. I. Sølling Imaging emulsions: the effect of salinity on North Sea Oils
    J. Petrol. Sci. Eng. 2017, 159, 483-487.
  • S. Al-Kaabi, M. Kristensen, N. Zouari, T. I. Sølling, S. S. Bach, M. Al-Ghouti, J. H. Christensen,
    Source identification of beached oil at Al Zubarah, Northwestern Qatar
    J.Petrol. Sci. Eng. 2017,149, 107-113.
  • Noe-Nygaard, F. Engstrøm, S. Roth, T. I. Sølling, Image-Based Petrophysical Parameters: CT Imaging of Chalk Cuttings and Experimental Comparisons by Plug-Size Upscaling
    SPE J. 2017, 22, SPE-183634-PA.
  • O. F. Thompson, L. B. Klein, T. I. Sølling, M. J. Paterson, D. Townsend,
    The role of novel Rydberg-valence behaviour in the non-adiabatic dynamics of tertiary aliphatic amines
    Chem. Sci. 2016, 7, 1826-1839.
  • Park, H. Pham, K, Mogensen, M. V. Bennetzen, T. I. Sølling, K. Houk
    Hydrocarbon Binding by Proteins: Structures of Protein Binding Sites for >= C-10 Linear Alkanes or Long-Chain Alkyl and Alkenyl Groups
    Org Chem. 2015, 80, 997-1005.
  • I. Sølling, K. B. Møller, A. B. Stephansen, T. S. Kuhlman
    Invited mini review: The Non-Ergodic Nature of Internal Conversion
    ChemPhysChem, 2014, 15, 249-259.
  • Sørensen, B. Rasmussen, S. Agarwal, M. Schau-Magnussen, T. I. Sølling, M. Pittelkow
    Conversion of Phenols into Selenophenols: Seleno Newman-Kwart Rearrangement
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 12346-12349.
  • Stephansen, R. Y. Brogaard, T. S. Kuhlman, L. B. Klein, J. B. Christensen, T. I. Sølling
    Surprising Intrinsic Photostability of the Disulfid bridge Common in Proteins
    J.Am. Chem. Soc. 2013, 134, 20279-20281
  • S. Kuhlman, M. Pittelkow, T. I. Sølling, K. B. Møller
    Pulling the Levers of Photo Physics: How Structure Controls the Rate of Energy Dissipation
    Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 2247-2250 (cover).

Awards & Honors

  • Professor of the Year, Department of Chemistry, 2017
  • Torkild Holms Foundation. Young Researcher Award 
  • Danish Universities/JSPS: Denmark-Japan Researcher Exchange Award
Tel: +966 (013) 860-3652

Location: PEGTC - Rm. 227 (DTV-248)

Jarvis R. Cline

Director, Remote Sensing & Digital Services, Laboratory Technical Support & Services

Jarvis Cline is privileged to hold a mid-level leadership position within the Remote Sensing & Digital Services team at CPG.  Coming from a technical background in software development, Jarvis has spent most of his career in 3D data capture and analysis as applied to surface geology and aerial survey.  Coming from experiences at two startup companies, Jarvis has learned the necessity of striving to be a proactive member of a team as well as the personal lesson of failing towards success.  He believes that organizations should aspire to excellence through the collective and cross‑disciplinary efforts of their team members, thus he is especially gratified to be part of such an innovative institution as CPG.  The integration of an engineering discipline and a science discipline create an environment which he views as rife with potential and positive impact, and the vision at CPG to pursue these cuts across supporting students, performing research, innovating in educational delivery, fostering a spin-off and entrepreneurial ecosystem, providing services within the public sector, partnering with industry, and promoting efficiency and professional development within the organization.  Thus, Jarvis is more than honored with his promotion after two years with the College, in September 2020, to a position of responsibility as Assistant Director for Remote Sensing & Digital Services, a unit which is unique in the world but which has the opportunity to execute on all of the above opportunities.  Jarvis is consistently inspired by the talent and esprit of the personnel he is privileged to work with, and he believes that leadership opportunities are present everywhere and that these opportunities are realized wherever strong work ethic, attention to detail, assertive communication, and teamsmanship and spirit of service intersect.  Jarvis continually fails towards better success in these regards, and he looks forward to earnestly serving you. 

Jarvis Cline considers himself a resource and is delighted to be consulted regarding digital outcrops as well as technologies such as photogrammetry, GPS equipment, or aerial survey by drone.  You might also encounter him in remote sensing and geospatial projects, where he can be consulted regarding the availability of data as well as on the research & development side, and he is always excited by opportunities for the development of in-house or prototype software.  As part of the Remote Sensing & Digital Services team, Jarvis is also part of an ecosystem within the College that serves students with their IT, software, and learning-platform related needs as well as supports them to use cutting edge technologies in their studies and research. 

Educational Qualification

  • B.S. Software Engineering, The University of Texas at Dallas (2012)

Research Interests

  • Photorealistic digital outcrop models
  • 3D data capture (laser scanning, photogrammetry)
  • Visualization and analysis software development
  • Remote sensing / GIS
  • Aerial survey

Selected Publications

  • Alhumimidi, M. S., Alfarhan, M. S., Cline, J. R., & Aiken, C. L. V. (2017). Application of a 3D photorealistic model for the geological analysis of the Permian carbonates (Khuff Formation) in Saudi Arabia. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 10(5). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-017-2874-7
  • White, L., Aiken, C., Alfarhan, M., & Cline, J. (2010). GeoAnalysis Tools – ArcScene Extension for the Analysis of 3D Geological Outcrop Models. In 72nd EAGE Conference and Exhibition – Workshops and Fieldtrips. EAGE Publications BV. https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.20149966

Awards & Honors

  • National Merit Scholar (2002), nationally awarded for outstanding academic excellence during high school career and college-entrance exams
  • Representing UT-Dallas with Matthew Dempsky and Michelle Berger, team achieved 2nd place in Association for Computing and Machinery (ACM)-sponsored Intercollegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in North America – South Central region (2005)