Dr. Giovanni Bertotti
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences
Giovanni Bertotti is a structural geologist with a long experience in the analysis of multiscale deformation patterns in different tectonic settings in different parts of the world. Building on his knowledge of the evolution of sedimentary basins, he has gradually moved towards a more quantitative description addressing the stress and strain evolution of rocks during basin formation and deformation. During the last years, he has developed research on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs combining numerical modeling techniques with observations from outcropping analogs of buried reservoirs. He has worked on fractures networks in a variety of lithologies from fluvial deposits (Jordan), turbidite sands in the Karoo Basin (South Africa) as well as on tight shallow water Devonian sand in Morocco. Since a few years, he is investigating fracture patterns in sub-horizontal and in folded shallow-water carbonates on the basis of outcropping analogs in Tunisia (Kef eddour/Berda Formations) and Brazil (Jandaira Formation). Building on the strong collaboration with geomechanics and flow modellers at the Delft University of Technology and elsewhere, Giovanni Bertotti investigates the impact fractures have on porosity and permeability and, eventually, on flow reservoir scale flow patterns.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
- MSc in Earth Sciences, University of Pisa (Italy)
Research Interests
- Structural Geology
- Sedimentary Basins
- Tectonics-Sedimentation Interactions
- Fractured Reservoirs
- Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins
- Petroleum Systems
Selected Publications
- LOPES J.A.G, de CASTRO, D.L. and BERTOTTI, G. 2018. Quantitative analysis of the tectonic subsidence in the Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil). Journal of Geodynamics, 117, 60-74.
- BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G., BEZERRA, F.H., 2017. Inter-well scale natural fracture geometry and permeability variations in low-deformation carbonate rocks. J. Structural Geology, 97, 23-36.
- de GRAAF, S., BERTOTTI, G., REIJMER, J.J.G., BEZERRA, F.H., CAZARIN, C., BISDOM, K., VONHOF, H.B., 2017. Fracture-controlled fluid circulation and calcite vein cementation during early burial in shallow water carbonates (Jandaíra Formation, northeast Brazil), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 80, 382-393.
- BISDOM, K., NICK, H.M. and BERTOTTI, G. 2017. An integrated workflow for stress and flow modeling using outcrop-derived discrete fracture networks. Computer and Geosciences, 103, 21-35
- GOUIZA, M., BERTOTTI, G., ANDRIESSEN, P. in press. Mesozoic and Cenozoic thermal history of the western Reguibat Shield (West African Craton). Terra Nova
- EGYA, D.O., GEIGER, S., CORBETT, P., MARCH, R., BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G., BEZERRA, F.H. in press. Geological well testing in fractured formations – exploration of the dual porosity response. Petroleum Geoscience.
- BERTOTTI, G., de GRAAF, S., BISDOM, S., OSKAM, B., VONHOF, H., BEZERRA, F.H., REIJMER, J. and CAZARIN, C. Fracturing and fluid flow during post-rift subsidence in carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, Basin Research 1–18, doi: 10.1111/bre.12246
- BERTOTTI, G., de GRAAF, S., BISDOM, S., OSKAM, B., VONHOF, H., BEZERRA, F.H., REIJMER, J. and CAZARIN, C. Fracturing and fluid flow during post-rift subsidence in carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, Basin Research submitted
- ENGLISH, K., REDFERN, J., BERTOTTI, G., ENGLISH, J., CHERIF, R.Y. 2016. Intraplate uplift: new constraints on the Hoggar dome from the Illizi basin (Algeria). Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12182
- de GRAAF, S., BERTOTTI, G., REIJMER, J.J.G., BEZERRA, F.H., CAZARIN, C., BISDOM, K., VONHOF, H.B. Fracture-controlled fluid circulation and calcite vein cementation during early burial in shallow water carbonates (Jandaíra Formation, northeast Brazil), in press
- COSTA DE MELO, A., LOPES de CASTRO, D., BEZERRA, F.H., BERTOTTI, G., Rift fault geometry and evolution in the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil) based on fault growth models. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 71, 96-107
- GOUIZA, M., CHARTON, R., BERTOTTI, G., ANDRIESSEN, P.A.M. and STORMS, J.E.A. Post-Variscan evolution of the Anti-Atlas belt of Morocco constrained from low-temperature geochronology. International Journal Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1325-0
- ENGLISH, K., REDFERN, J., BERTOTTI, G., ENGLISH, J., CHERIF, R.Y. 2016. Intraplate uplift: new constraints on the Hoggar dome from the Illizi basin (Algeria). Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12182
- BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H.. The impact of different aperture distributions and critical stress criteria on equivalent permeability in complex fracture networks. J. Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 4045-4063.
- BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H. The impact of in-situ stress and fracture geometry on hydraulic aperture and upscaled permeability in carbonate rocks: inferences from outcropping pavements. Tectonophysics, s 690 (2016) 63–75
- BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H. A geometrically-based method for predicting stress-induced fracture aperture and flow in Discrete Fracture Networks. AAPG Bulletin 100 (7), 1075-1097.
- KLEIPOOL, L., REIJMER, J.J.G., HARDEBOL, N.J., BERTOTTI, G., AURELL, M. and BADENAS, B. Fracture distribution along an Upper Jurassic carbonate ramp, NE Spain. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 70, 201-221.
- HARDEBOL, N.J., MAIER, C., NICK, H., GEIGER, S., BERTOTTI, G. and BORO, H. in press. Multi-scale fracture network characterization and impact on flow: a case study on the Latemar carbonate platform. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 8197–8222, doi:10.1002/2015JB011879.
- PEPE, F., BERTOTTI, G., FERRANTI, L., SACCHI, M., COLLURA A.-M., PASSARO, S. and SULLI, A. 2014. Pattern and rate of post-20ka vertical tectonic motion around the Capo Vaticano promontory (W Calabria, Italy) based on offshore geomorphological indicators. Quaternary International, 332, 85-98.
- GOUIZA, M., HALL, J. and BERTOTTI, G. 2014. Rifting and pre-rift lithosphere variability in the Orphan Basin, Newfoundland margin, Eastern Canada. Basin Research, 26, 1-20.
- BISDOM, K., GAUTHIER, B.D.M., BERTOTTI, G. and HARDEBOL, N.J. 2014. Calibrating discrete fracture-network models with a carbonate three-dimensional outcrop fracture network: Implications for naturally fractured reservoir modeling. AAPG Bulletin, 98, 1351-1376
- BORO, H., ROSERO, E. and BERTOTTI, G. 2014. Fracture network analysis of the Latemar platform (northern Italy): Integrating outcrop studies to constrain the hydraulic properties of fractures in reservoir models. Petroleum Geoscience, 20, 79-92. doi: 10.1144/petgeo2013-007
- AGAR, S., GEIGER, S., LEONIDE, P., LAMARCHE, J., NEILSON, J., GOSSELIN, O., PYRAK-NOLTE, L., JACKSON, M., KENTER, J., BERTOTTI, G., JONES, G., WHITAKER, F., HAMPSON, G. and MATTHAI, S. 2013. Summary of the AAPG-Society of Petroleum Engineers – Society of Exploration Geophysicists Hedberg Research Conference on “Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates”. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 97/4, 553-552.
- ÖZSAYIN, E., ÇINER, A., ROJAY, B., DIRIK, K., MELNICK, D., FERNANDEZ-BLANCO, D., BERTOTTI, G., SCHILDGEN, T., GARCIN, Y., STRECKER. M.R., SUDO, M. accepted. Plio-Quaternary extensional tectonics of the Central Anatolia Plateau: A case study from the Tuz Golu Basin, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences.
- STRIJKER, G., BEEKMAN, W.W.W., BERTOTTI, G. and LUTHI, S.M. submitted. FEM analysis of deformation localization mechanisms in a 3D fractured medium under rotating compressive stress conditions. Tectonophysics. 593, 95-110.
- FERNANDEZ-BLANCO, D., BERTOTTI, G. and CINER, A. accepted. Cenozoic tectonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey: A 3D evolution model for the Tüz Gölü Basin and surroundings
- HARDEBOL, G. and BERTOTTI, G. 2013. DigiFract: a software and data model implementation for flexible acquisition and processing of fracture data from outcrops. Computer and Geosciences, 54, 326-336.
- BORO, H., BERTOTTI, G., and HARDEBOL, N. 2013. Low-strain distributed fracturing affecting the Latemar atoll-like platform (N Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 40, 69-84.
- STRIJKER, G., BERTOTTI, G. and S.M. LUTHI. 2012. Multi-scale fracture network analysis from an outcrop analog: a case study from the Cambro-Ordovician succession in Petra, Jordan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 38, 104-116.
- BERTOTTI, G. and GOUIZA, M. 2012. Post-rift vertical movements and horizontal deformations in the eastern margin of the Central Atlantic: The Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous evolution of Morocco. International Journal of Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0773-4.
- DUPRÉ, S., CLOETINGH, S. and BERTOTTI, G. (2011). Structure of the Gabon margin from integrated seismic reflection and gravity data. Tectonophysics, 506, 31-45.
- GOUIZA, M., BERTOTTI, G. and HAFID, M. 2010. The tectonic evolution of the passive margin of Morocco along a transect from the Atlantic ocean to the Anti-Atlas. Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2009TC002464
- PEPE, F., SULLI, A., BERTOTTI, G. and CELLA, F. 2010. The West Calabria passive continental margin. Implications for the evolution of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. Tectonics, 29, TC3007, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002599
Dr. Ole John Nielsen
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences
Ole John Nielsen (OJ) is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. Besides being an expert on air pollution and climate change he is interested in leadership, coaching, training (basketball), networking, sustainability, gender equality. He has more than 40 years of experience in natural science research and education. OJ has previously been employed at Risø National Laboratory and Ford Motor Company. He has experience as a board member of foundations and as a member of numerous evaluation committees, advisory boards and funding panels.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. University of Copenhagen (Atmospheric Chemistry) 1984
- M.S. University of Copenhagen (Spectroscopy) 1978
Research Interests
- Climate Change
- Atmospheric chemistry and hence environmental impact of CFC replacement compounds and of oxygenated species.
- Fundamental kinetics and mechanisms of reactions important in atmospheric and combustion chemistry.
- Determination of the environmental impact of anthropogenic and natural emissions – out-door as well as in-door chemistry
- Atmospheric particulates.
- Air pollution chemistry.
Selected Publications
- Atmospheric Chemistry of Pentafluorophenol : Kinetics and Mechanism of the Reactions of Cl Atoms and OH Radicals./ Hasager, Freja; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Hass, Sofie Askjaer; Sulbaek Andersen, Mads P.; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 01.01.2019. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric Chemistry of Methoxyflurane (CH3OCF2CHCl2) : Kinetics of the gas-phase reactions with OH radicals, Cl atoms and O3./ Hass, Sofie A.; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Sulbaek Andersen, Mads P.; Nielsen, Ole J. In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 722, 2019, p. 119-123. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of CH3C(O)CN : Kinetics and reaction mechanisms with Cl atoms and OH radicals./ Pedersen, Emilie Bak; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 720, 2019, p. 128-133. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of a cyclic hydro-fluoro-carbon : Kinetics and mechanisms of gas-phase reactions of 1-trifluoromethyl-1,2,2-trifluorocyclobutane with Cl atoms, OH radicals, and O3./ Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbaek; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 21, No. 3, 2019, p. 1497-1505. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Quantum yields and N2O formation from photolysis of solid films of neonicotinoids./ Wang, Weihong; Aregahegn, Kifle Z.; Andersen, Simone T.; Ni, Anton Z.; Rohrbacher, Andrea F.; Nielsen, Ole John; Finlayson-Pitts, Barbara J. In: Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Vol. 67, No. 6, 2019, p. 1638-1646. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Extended Publications (+)
- Rate coefficients for reactions of OH radicals with CH 3D, CH 2 D 2 , CHD 3 , and CD 4. / Frederickson, Louise Bøge; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Nielsen, Ole John. In: International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 51, No. 6, 2019, p. 390-394. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- The Effect of Sampling Inlet Direction and Distance on Particle Source Measurements for Dispersion Modelling./ Jensen, Alexander Christian Osterskov; Poikkimaki, Mikko; Brostrom, Anders; Dal Maso, Miikka; Nielsen, Ole John; Rosenorn, Thomas; Butcher, Andrew; Koponen, Ismo Kalevi; Koivisto, Antti Joonas. In: Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 19, No. 5, 2019, p. 1114-1125. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric Chemistry of n-CH2=CH(CH2)xCN (x=0-4) : Kinetics and Mechanisms. / Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Hass, Sofie Askjæer; Frederickson, Louise Bøge; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 122, No. 28, 2018, p. 5983-5992. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of (Z)-CF3CH=CHCl : products and mechanisms of the Cl atom, OH radical and O3 reactions, and role of (E)-(Z) isomerization./ Andersen, Mads P. Sulbaek; Solling, Theis I.; Andersen, Lene Loffler; Volkova, Aleksandra; Hovanessian, Dvien; Britzman, Connor; Nielsen, Ole John; Wallington, Timothy J. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 44, 2018, p. 27949-27958. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review.
- Atmospheric chemistry of n-CH3(CH2)xCN (x=0-3) : Kinetics and mechanisms./ Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Kyte, Mildrid; Andersen, Lene Loffler; Nielsen, Ole John; Andersen, Mads P. Sulbæk. In: International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 50, No. 11, 2018, p. 813-826. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of hexa- and penta-fluorobenzene: UV photolysis and kinetics and mechanisms of the reactions of Cl atoms and OH radicals./ Andersen, Mads P. Sulbaek; Lengkong, Jonathan W.; Wallberg, Jens; Hasager, Freja; Vo, Karen; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Kjaergaard, Henrik G.; Wallington, Timothy J.; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 20, No. 45, 2018, p. 28796-28809. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of halogenated organic compounds./ Wallington, Timothy J.; Sulbaek Andersen, Mads P.; Nielsen, Ole John. Advances in Atmospheric Chemistry. ed. / J R Barker; A L Steiner; T J Wallington. Vol. 1 World Scientific, 2017. p. 305-402. Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Book chapter › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric Chemistry of (CF3)2CF-C≡N : A Replacement Compound for the Most Potent Industrial Greenhouse Gas, SF6./ Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk; Kyte, Mildrid; Thirstrup Andersen, Simone ; Nielsen, Claus J.; Nielsen, Ole John. In: Environmental Science & Technology (Washington), Vol. 51, No. 3, 2017, p. 1321-1329. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric Chemistry of CH3CH2OCH3: Kinetics and Mechanism of Reactions with Cl Atoms and OH Radicals. / Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk; Bjørn Svendsen, Sissel ; Østerstrøm, Freja From; Nielsen, Ole John. In: International Journal of Chemical Kinetics, Vol. 49, No. 1, 2017, p. 10-20. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of Z– and E-CF3CH=CHCF3./ Østerstrøm, Freja From; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Sølling, Theis Ivan; Nielsen, Ole John; Andersen, Mads Peter Sulbæk. In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol. 19, No. 1, 2017, p. 735-750. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Atmospheric chemistry of hexanenitrile : Kinetics and products of the gas-phase reactions of CH3(CH2)4CN with Cl atoms and OH radicals./ Nielsen, Ole John; Carstens, Cecilie Litske; Lengkong, Jonathan Wilson; Vo, Karen L.; Andersen, Simone Thirstrup; Andersen, Mads P. Sulbaek. In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 688, 2017, p. 7-10. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Bærbar partikelmåler til luftforureningsmonitering : Håndholdte målere viser partikelniveauer på stationer i København, London og Tokyo./ Fogde, Nickie Heitmann; Sander, Nanna; Ravelo, José Alejandro A.; Gail, Bartosz; Schmidt, Johan Albrecht; Nielsen, Ole John; Johnson, Matthew Stanley. In: Dansk Kemi, Vol. 98, No. 8, 2017, p. 35-37. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research
- Local problems are a low research priority./ Nielsen, Ole John. In: Nature, Vol. 544, No. 7648, 2017, p. 35.Contribution to journal › Letter › Research › peer-review
- On adduct formation and reactivity in the OCS + OH reaction : A combined theoretical and experimental study./ Schmidt, Johan Albrecht; Kyte, Mildrid; Østerstrøm, Freja From; Joelsson, Magnus; Knap, Hasse Christian; Jørgensen, Solvejg; Nielsen, Ole John; Murakami, Tatsuhiro; Johnson, Matthew Stanley.In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 675, 2017, p. 111-117. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Reaction kinetics of (CF3)2CFCN with OH radicals as a function of temperature (278-358 K) : A good replacement for greenhouse SF6? ./ Blázquez , Sergio ; Antiñolo, Maria ; Nielsen, Ole John; Albaladejo, José ; Jiménez, Elena. In: Chemical Physics Letters, Vol. 687, 2017, p. 297-302. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
- Reactions of Three Lactones with Cl, OD, and O3: Atmospheric Impact and Trends in Furan Reactivity. / Ausmeel, Stina; Andersen, C.; Nielsen, Ole John; Østerstrøm, Freja From; Johnson, Matthew Stanley; Nilsson, E. J. K. In: Journal of Physical Chemistry A, Vol. 121, No. 21, 2017, p. 4123-4131. Contribution to journal › Journal article › Research › peer-review
Awards & Honors
- Receiver of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as an IPCC lead author.
- Receiver of the 2006 Danish Academic Union research price.
- Receiver of the 1996 Henry Ford Technology Award.
- Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2008.
- Member of the Danish Natural Science Research Council, 1998-2005.
- Member of the Danish National Committee for IGBP
- Member of the Danish National Committee for Climate Research
- Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
- Danish member of the International Executive Committee for EUROTRAC (1988-1995)
- Appointed adjunct professor in chemistry at Roskilde University (1997-2002)
- Head of Copenhagen Global Change Initiative network and PhD-board (1999-2008)
- Reviewer for NATO, EU, various National and International Sci. Foundations
- Referee for J.Phys.Chem., Int.J.Chem.Kinet., Chem.Phys.Lett., ES&T, Nature.
- Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Int.J.Chem.Kinet. (1994-1997).
- Member of the NASA expert group on CFCs, Halons and related species (1991-1993)
- Board member of the Collstrup Foundation (2007-2019)
- Board member of the Carlsberg Memory Stipend Foundation (2011-2018)
- IPCC: Lead Author of a chapter in an IPCC Special Report (2003-2005)
- 252 Peer-reviewed publications, 37 conference abstracts, 15 book chapters, 27 reports, 31 popular writings, +6700 citations and an H-index of 42.
- Supervised 90 students and gives approx 30 presentations per year.
Dr. Roy Sidle
Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences
Professor Roy Sidle’s research focuses on bio-geophysical aspects of sustainability, including natural hazards, catchment hydrology and management, and interactions between socioeconomic pressures and responses and ecosystem processes. Specifically, he has been working on issues of environmental effects of land cover change, erosion processes exacerbated by mountain road building and grazing, coastal and mountain hazards – both water and sediment-related, cumulative effects of land use on water supply and sediment, and fundamental research on water movement in mountain catchments.
His research connections and collaborations with Japan, particularly at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University and Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, as well as with INRA (France) and National University of Colombia – Medellin, KFUPM, and JICA have contributed to studies that will help to improve disaster preparedness and resilience as well as promote a better understanding of ecosystem processes that perpetuate these disasters.
Professor Sidle’s research on catchment hydrology and management directly relates to this natural hazard agenda as it provides the geomorphic and hydrologic setting in which these hazards occur. As such, understanding the fundamental processes of water and sediment movement and storage in catchments is key to better estimating the extent of flood, cyclone, chronic erosion, and landslide disasters. These topics provide the geophysical foundation for comprehensive sustainability studies. Current research in Australia is supported by CSIRO (runoff and erosion in the Burdekin catchment) and SEQ Water (landslide studies).
He has collaborated across a broad range of disciplines including socio-economists, engineers, aquatic biologists, environmental modellers, geotechnical experts, and agriculture and forestry specialists. His interests in sustainability issues in developing nations of Southeast and East Asia where rapid land use change and shifting demographics are occurring are of particular relevance to the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Sustainability Research Centre.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University (Soil Science/Forest Hydrology, Civil Engineering minor)
- M.S., University of Arizona (Soil Science/Water Quality)
- B.S., University of Arizona (Hydrology)
Research Interests
- Environmental science
- Natural hazards
- Catchment hydrology/management
- Sustainable development
- Environmental change
- Landslide processes, prediction, and land use effects
- Hydrogeomorphic process controlling sediment and nutrient dynamics
- Integration of biophysical processes with socioeconomic issues
- Fate and transport of contaminants
- Hydrological modeling
- Cumulative effects of land use on water quality and erosion processes
Selected Publications
A. Books (fully written):
- R.C. Sidle, A.J. Pearce, and C.L. O’Loughlin. 1985. Hillslope Stability and Land Use. Am. Geophysical Union, Water Resources Monograph No. 11, Washington, D.C., 140 p.
- R.C. Sidle and H. Ochiai. 2006. Landslides: Processes, Prediction, and Land Use. Am. Geophysical Union, Water Resources Monograph No. 18, Washington, D.C., 312 p.
B. Books (edited texts)
- R. Herrmann, R.C. Sidle, W. Back, and A.I. Johnson (editors). 1995. Water Resources and Environmental Hazards: Emphasis on Hydrologic and Cultural Insight in the Pacific Rim, Am. Water Resour. Assoc. Proc., AWRA, Herndon, Virginia, 496 p.
- R.C. Sidle (editor). 2002. Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No. 9, CAB International Publishing, Oxen, UK, 241 p.
- R.C. Sidle, M. Tani, Abdul Rahim N., and Tewodros Ayele T. (editors). 2004. Forests and Water in Warm, Humid Asia. Proceedings of a IUFRO Forest Hydrology Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Uji, Japan, 274 p.
C. Refereed Scientific Journals:
- R.C. Sidle and G.V. Johnson. 1972. Evaluation of a turfgrass-soil system to utilize and purify municipal waste water. Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and Southwest 2: 277-289.
- R.C. Sidle, J.E. Hook, and L.T. Kardos. 1976. Heavy metals application and plant uptake in a land disposal system for waste water. J. Environ. Qual. 5: 97-102.
- R.C. Sidle and W.E. Sopper. 1976. Cadmium distribution in forest ecosystems irrigated with treated municipal wastewater and sludge. J. Environ. Qual. 5: 419-422.
- R.C. Sidle, J.E. Hook, and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Accumulation of heavy metals in soils from extended wastewater irrigation. J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 49: 311-318.
- R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Adsorption of copper, zinc, and cadmium by a forest soil. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 313- 317.
- R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Transport of heavy metals in a sludge-treated forested area. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 431-437.
- R.C. Sidle, L.T. Kardos, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1977. Heavy metals transport model in a sludge-treated soil. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 438-443.
- R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Aqueous release of heavy metals from two sewage sludges. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 8: 453-459.
- R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1979. Nitrate leaching in a sludge-treated forest soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 43: 278- 282.
- R.C. Sidle, W.L. Stout, J.L. Hern, and O.L. Bennett. 1979. Solute movement from fluidized bed combustion waste in acid soil and mine spoil columns. J. Environ. Qual. 8: 236-241.
- W.L. Stout, R.C. Sidle, J.L. Hern, and O.L. Bennett. 1979. Effects of fluidized bed combustion waste on the Ca, Mg, S, and Zn levels in red clover, tall fescue, oats, and buckwheat. Agronomy J. 71: 662-665.
- R.C. Sidle and D.M. Drlica. 1981. Soil compaction from logging with a low-ground pressure skidder in the Oregon Coast Ranges. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 1219-1224.
- R.C. Sidle and D.N. Swanston. 1982. Analysis of a small debris slide in coastal Alaska. Can. Geotech. J. 19(2): 167-174.
- R.C. Sidle and C.G. Shaw III. 1983. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clearcut. I. nutrient status. Can. J. For. Res. 13: 1-8.
- C.G. Shaw III and R.C. Sidle. 1983. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clearcut. II. available inoculum of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum. Can. J. For. Res. 13: 9-11.
- A.J. Campbell and R.C. Sidle. 1984. Prediction of peak flows on small watersheds in Oregon for use in culvert design. Water Resour. Bull. 20(1): 9-14.
- R.C. Sidle. 1984. Shallow groundwater fluctuations in unstable hillslopes of coastal Alaska. Z. für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 20(2): 79-95.
- H.A. Menser and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Effect of zinc levels on phosphorous and zinc content in sand-cultured soybeans. J. Plant Nutrition 8(1): 89-97.
- H.R. Holbo, E.L. Miller, and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Scanning recording system for multiple capacitive water-depth transducers. J. Hydrology 79: 311-318.
- A.J. Campbell and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Bedload transport in a pool-riffle sequence of a coastal Alaska Stream. Water Resour. Bull. 21(4): 579-590.
- R.C. Sidle and A.J. Campbell. 1985. Patterns of suspended sediment transport in a coastal Alaska stream. Water Resour. Bull. 21(6): 909-917.
- R.C. Sidle and T.H. Laurent. 1986. Site damage from mechanized thinning in southeast Alaska. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 3(3): 94-97.
- P.W. Adams and R.C. Sidle. 1987. Soil conditions in three recent landslides in southeast Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 18: 93-102.
- C.G. Shaw III, R.C. Sidle, and A.S. Harris. 1987. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clear-cut. III. performance of ectomycorrhizal Sitka spruce seedlings three years after outplanting. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 335-339.
- R.C. Sidle and C.G. Shaw III. 1987. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clear-cut. IV. nutrient levels in ectomycorrhizal Sitka spruce seedlings. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 340-345.
- J.L. Hern, H.A. Menser, R.C. Sidle, and T.E. Staley. 1988. Effect of surface-applied lime and EDTA on subsoil acidity and aluminum. Soil Science 145(1): 52-57.
- R.C. Sidle. 1988. Bedload transport regime of a small forest stream. Water Resour. Res. 24: 207-218.
- E.M. Loopstra, C.G. Shaw III, and R.C. Sidle. 1988. Ectomycorrhizal inoculation fails to improve performance of Sitka spruce seedlings outplanted on clear-cut sites in southeast Alaska. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 3: 110-112.
- J.R. Noel and R.C. Sidle. 1989. A program to calculate channel scour and fill. Water Resour. Bull. 25: 733-741.
- R.C. Sidle and A.M. Milner. 1989. Stream development in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Res. 21(4): 350-363.
D. Institutional Publications:
- R.C. Sidle. 1976. Transport of Heavy Metals in a Sludge-Treated Forested Area. University Park, PA, The Pennsylvania State University; 135p. Dissertation.
- R.C. Sidle. 1980. Impacts of Forest Practices on Surface Erosion. Pacific Northwest Extension Publ. PNW-195, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 15 p.
- R.C. Sidle. 1980. Slope Stability on Forest Land. Pac. N.W. Ext. Publ. PNW-209. 23 p.
- K.R. Larson and R.C. Sidle. 1980. Erosion and Sedimentation Catalog of the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Forest Service, R-6, Publ. R6-WM-050-1981, Portland, OR. 64 p.
- A.J. Campbell, R.C. Sidle, and H.A. Froehlich. 1982. Prediction of Peak Flows for Culvert Design on Small Watersheds in Oregon. Water Resour. Res. Inst.-74, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 96 p.
- R.C. Sidle. 1983. Factors Affecting Landslides. Am. Philosophical Soc. Yearbook: 122-123.
- P.W. Adams, A.J. Campbell, R.C. Sidle, R.L. Beschta, and H.A. Froehlich. 1986. Estimating Streamflows on Small Forested Watersheds for Culvert and Bridge Design in Oregon. Forest Res. Lab. Res. Bull. 55, 8 p., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis.
- R.C. Sidle, J.W. Hornbeck, and R.R. Ziemer. 1989. Water Quality: Cumulative Effects From Forests and Rangelands, A Priority Research Program, USDA For. Serv., FER, Wash., DC. 18p.
- B.D. Williams, R.W. Brown, R.C. Sidle, and W.F. Mueggler. 1990. Greenhouse evaluation of reclamation treatments for perlite-pumice spoils. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. INT-426, Ogden, UT, 7p.
- C. Knudsen, K.E. Klint, P.R. Jakobsen, K. Klitten, R. Sidle, and A. Krogsbøll. 1995. The Copenhagen Minimetro – Evaluation of Drillcore Analysis, Georadar, and Acoustic Televiewer Investigations in Boreholes and Fracture Studies in Limestone. DGU Serv. Rep.#37, Geol. Survey of Denmark, Copenhagen (confidential).
- V. Ernstsen, J. Jensen, S.E. Olesen, and R. Sidle. 1995. Scoping study on establishing a European Topic Centre for Soil. DGU Service Rep. No. 47, Geol. Surv. of Denmark, Copenhagen, 36p.
- R.C. Sidle. 2005. Options for appropriate sediment disaster mitigation strategies in Asia. In: International Symposium on Utilization of Disaster Information – Organizing and Sharing Disaster Information in Asian Countries. Japan Soc. of Erosion Control Engineering (JSECE) Publ. No. 44. pp. 51-52, JSCE, Tokyo.
- R.C. Sidle. 2006. Dark clouds looming over Shangri-La. Kyoto University, Institute of Sustainability Science, News Letter vol. 2, 2 p.
E. Popular Articles
- R.C. Sidle. 2007. Dark clouds over Shangri-La. Opinion article, The Japan Times, March 15, 2007
- R.C. Sidle. 2010. Natural Disasters in Asia. Asian Geographic Magazine.
- R.C. Sidle. 2011. Taiwan Surprises. Dynasty (Inflight Magazine of China Airlines), Feb. 2011, pp. 76-79
Awards & Honors
- Distinguished Professor award, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Institute of Global Innovation Research, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan, 2017 (continuing)
- Adjunct Professor, Geosciences Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2017 (continuing)
- Hydrological Sciences Distinguished Lecture, Asian Oceania Geosciences Society, 2017
- Research Visit Award from Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan, 2016
- Travel award for visiting researchers, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan, 2014
- International Award, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Miyazaki, Japan for significant contributions to progress in the field of hydrology and water resources and valuable devotion to collaboration with Japanese and Asian researchers, 2014
- Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award, US Environmental Protection Agency, for a broad knowledge of environmental and ecosystems research, along with outstanding leadership skills, 2013
- Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award, US Environmental Protection Agency, for outstanding leadership and scientific guidance during 2011 to support change, productivity, and communications within the Ecosystems Research Division of NERL, 2012
- Cited in a named award that will be given annually to an Environmental Science student at Appalachian State University – the ‘Roy C. Sidle Award for Excellence in Research’, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, USA, initiated in 2012
- Elected as ‘Fellow’, American Geophysical Union, 2010
- Pojar award nomination, Bulkley Valley Research Centre in British Columbia, co-authoring an outstanding a paper related to natural resources and sustainability in ‘Landslides’, 2009
- Best poster award (co-author), Japan Soc. of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2007
- Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Manuscript Review award, ‘Journal of Environmental Quality‘ American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, 2006
- Premier’s award, Innovation Finalists, Debris fan research team, British Columbia, Canada, 2005/06
- Elected to the ‘Wall of Fame’, Pennridge High School, one of the initial six people inducted out of 10,000+ graduates over the past 50 years, 2002
- Certificate of Merit and cash award, Chief of U.S. Forest Service for outstanding contributions to the Research‑Wide Affirmative Employment Plan, 1991
- Certificate of Merit and cash award, Chief of U.S. Forest Service for outstanding leadership in developing the national water quality: cumulative effects from forests and rangelands priority research program, 1989
- Research honorary, Sigma Xi, 1976
- Agriculture honorary, Gamma Sigma Delta, 1972

Dr. Sidqi A. Abu-Khamsin
Adjunct Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Abu-Khamsin joined the Department of Petroleum Engineering, KFUPM, in 1984 and is currently an adjunct professor. He assumed chairmanship of the Department during 2004 – 2010. He is the petroleum-engineering editor for the Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering, a member of KFUPM’s Scientific Council, and a member of the Council of the College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, Stanford University, USA, 1984.
- M.Sc., Chemical Engineering, KFUPM, KSA, 1978.
- B.Sc., First Honors, Chemical Engineering, KFUPM, KSA, 1975.
Research Interests
- Reservoir engineering and Enhanced Oil Recovery.
Selected Publications
- Alqam, M.H., Abu-Khamsin, S.A., Sultan, A.S., Okasha, T.M., and Yildiz, H.O.: “Effect of Rock Mineralogy and Oil Composition on Wettability Alteration and Interfacial Tension by Brine and Carbonated Water,” Energy & Fuels, 33:3, March 2019, pp. 1983-1989.
- Al-Hajri, N.M., Abu-Khamsin, S.A., and Al-Ajmi, M.D.: “Estimating the static bottom-hole pressure of gas wells by top node calculation using apparent molecular weight profiling,” The Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering, 44:6, June 2019, pp. 6155 – 6165.
- Arif, M., Abu-Khamsin, S.A., and Iglauer, S.: “Wettability of Rock/CO2/brine and Rock/oil/CO2-enriched-brine systems: Critical Parametric Analysis and Future Outlook,” Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 268, June 2019, pp. 91-113.
- Aljawad, M.S., Alafnan, S.F., and Abu-Khamsin, S.A.: “Artificial Lift and Mobility Enhancement of Heavy Oil Reservoirs Utilizing a Renewable Energy Powered Heating Element,” ACS Omega, 4, Nov. 2019, pp. 20048-20058.
- Arif, M., Abu-Khamsin, S.A., Zhang, Y., and Iglauer, S.: “Experimental investigation of carbonate wettability as a function of mineralogical and thermo-physical conditions,” Fuel, 264, March 2020, 116846.
Awards & Honors
- Distinguished Membership Award, Society of Petroleum Engineers International, 2017.
- Distinguished Achievement Award for Petroleum Engineering Faculty (Middle East Region), Society of Petroleum Engineers International, 2014.
- King Abdul-Aziz Order Medal of the First Degree, The Royal Court, KSA, 2004.
- Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Engineering Sciences, KFUPM, 1996, 2015.
- Distinguished Achievements Award, Department of Petroleum Engineering, KFUPM, 1998-1999.
Dr. Yu-Shu Wu
Adjunct Professor, CIPR
- 2008-Present
Professor (Tenured) and Energi Simulation (Formerly, Foundation CMG) Reservoir Modeling Chair, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering (PE), Colorado School of Mines (CSM), Golden CO, USA.
Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in petroleum reservoir engineering and numerical reservoir simulation, well testing analysis, secondary and tertiary oil recovery methods (EOR/IOR), flow and transport phenomena in porous media and in unconventional reservoirs, and geothermal reservoir engineering.
Advise M.S. and Ph. D graduate students for their thesis research in the areas of reservoir simulation, flow and transport in porous media, CO2 EOR application, CO2 sequestration, fractured reservoir studies, development of unconventional petroleum resources, coupled geomechanics-flow simulation, well testing analysis, and reservoir engineering in general.
Lead the Energy Modeling Group (EMG) of the PE Department in its research effort in (1) CO2 EOR application and CO2 sequestration; (2) improved formation stimulation/cryogenic fracturing technologies; (3) advanced reservoir simulation technologies; (4) unconventional oil and gas reservoir simulation; (5) fractured reservoir characterization; (6) coupled thermal-hydrologic-mechanic-chemical (THMC) processes in reservoirs; and (7) hydraulic fracture modeling. - 2008 – Present
Guest Scientist, Earth and Environmental Sciences, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), Berkeley, California, participating in collaborated research projects on development on unconventional natural gas/oil resources, nuclear waste disposal, CO2 sequestration, enhanced geothermal systems (EGS), and cryogenic fracturing technology. - Feb 2017-Present
Scientist IV, National Center for Mechanical and Thermal Science and Engineering, National Renewable Research Laboratory (NREL), 15301 Denver West Parkway. Golden, CO 80401. - 2016 – Present
Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) member, the National IOR Centre of Norway. - 1995 – 2008
Staff Geological Scientist, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), University of California, Berkeley, CA.
Principal Investigator (PI), led a multidisciplinary team in quantitative investigations of
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. Reservoir Engineering, Department of Materials Sciences and Mineral Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA USA
- M.S. Reservoir Engineering, Department of Materials Sciences and Mineral Engineering, University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA USA
- M.S. Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Southwest Petroleum Institute (Currently, Southwest Petroleum University), China
- B.S.(Eqv.) Petroleum Engineering, Department of Petroleum Engineering, Daqing Petroleum Institute (Currently, Northeast Petroleum University), Heilongjiang, China
Research Interests
My primary research interests and experiences are in the general area of reservoir engineering, specifically, in reservoir characterization and simulation, including modeling coupled processes of multiphase fluid flow, multicomponent chemicals transport, heat transfer, and rock deformation in EOR/IOR processes; CO2 flooding and geosequestration; fractured reservoir characterization; and non-Newtonian and non-Darcy flow behavior. My objectives of research have been to develop and apply mathematical models and computational approaches for quantitative investigations of real-world problems in flow and transport through porous media. I have developed a number of reservoir simulators and modeling approaches, which are currently used in petroleum industry, groundwater and environmental communities inside and outside of the US.
My major contributions to flow and transport in porous and fractured reservoirs and reservoir simulations have been well documented in my scientific publications through various revenues. I have published (authored and coauthored) about 300+ scientific papers, conference articles and presentations, and technical reports, including about 130 peer-reviewed journal papers, 2 books, 19 book/chapters, and 60+ SPE papers.
Selected Publications
- Tang, Huiying, Shihao Wang. Congbin Yin, Yuan Di, Yu-Shu Wu, and Yonghong Wang, “Fully-coupled multi-physical simulation with physics-based nonlinearity-elimination preconditioned inexact Newton method for enhanced oil recovery,” Commun. Comput. Phys., Vol. 25, No. 1, pp. 244-265, 2019
- Farah, N., M. Delorme, D.Y. Ding, Yu-Shu Wu, and D. Bossie Codreanu, “Flow modelling of unconventional shale reservoirs using a DFM-MINC proximity function,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Vol. 173, pp. 222-236, 2019
- Tian, Ye, Xiangyu Yu, Jun Li, Keith B. Neeves, Xiaolong Yin, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Scaling law for slip flow of gases in nanoporous media from nanofluidics, rocks, and pore-scale simulations,” Fuel, Vol.236, 1 pp. 1065-1077, 2019
- Wang, Shihao, Alexander A. Lukyanov, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Second-order gas slippage model for the Klinkenberg effect of multicomponent gas at finite Knudsen numbers up to 1,” Fuel, Vol. 235, 1 pp. 1275-1286, 2019
- Ding, D.Y., N. Farah, B. Bourbiaux, Yu-Shu Wu, and I. Mestiri, “Simulation of matrix-fracture interaction in low-permeability fractured unconventional reservoirs,” SPE Journal, pp. 1389-1411, 2018
- Huang, Zhaoqin, Xiaoyu Zhang, Jun Yao, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Non-Darcy displacement by a non-Newtonian fluid in porous media according to the Barree-Conway model,” Advances in Geo-Energy Research, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.74-85, 2017
- Cha, Minsu, Naif B. Alqahtani, Xiaolong Yin, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Bowen Yao, Yu-Shu Wu, “Laboratory system for studying cryogenic thermal rock fracturing for well stimulation,” Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 156, pp.780-789, 2017
- Wang, Lei, Ye Tian, Xiangyu Yu, Cong Wang, Bowen Yao, Shihao Wang, Philip H Winterfeld, Xu Wang. Zhenzhou Yang, Yonghong Wang, Jingyuan Cui, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Advances in improved/enhanced oil recovery technologies for tight and shale reservoirs,” Fuel 210, pp. 425-445, 2017
- Xiong, Yi, Jinbiao Yu, Hongxia Sun, Jiangru Yuan, Zhaoqin Huang, and Yu-Shu Wu, “A new non-Darcy flow model for low velocity multiphase flow in tight reservoirs,” Transport in Porous Media, Vol. 117, 3, pp 367–383, 2017
- Zhang, Ronglei, Philip H. Winterfeld, Xiaolong Yin, Yu-Shu Wu, and Yi Xiong. “Coupled geomechanical and reactive geochemical model for fluid, heat flow and convective mixing: application for CO2 geological sequestration into saline aquifer with heterogeneity,” International Journal of Global Warming, Vol. 13, pp. 197-236, 2017
- Farah, N., D.-Y., Ding, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Simulation of the impact of fracturing-fluid-induced formation damage in shale gas reservoirs,” doi:10.2118/173264-pa. SPE Reservoir Evaluation & Engineering, pp. 532-546, 2017
- Lei Wang, Bowen Yao, Haojun Xie, Philip H. Winterfeld, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Xiaolong Yin, Yu-Shu Wu,” CO2 injection-induced fracturing in naturally fractured shale rocks,” Energy,Vol. 139, 15, pp. 1094-1110, 2017
- Wang, Shihao, Andrew E. Pomerantz, Wenyue Xu, Alexander A. Lukyanov, Robert L. Kleinberg, Yu-Shu Wu, “The impact of kerogen properties on shale gas production: A reservoir simulation sensitivity analysis.” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 13-23, 2017
- Wang, Lei, Bowen Yao, Haojun Xie, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Philip H. Winterfeld, Xiaolong Yin, and Yu-Shu Wu, “Experimental investigation of injection-induced fracturing during supercritical CO2 sequestration,” International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, Volume 63, PP. 107-117, August 2017
- Wang, Shihao, Alexander A. Lukyanov, Lei Wang, Yu-Shu Wu, Andrew Pomerantz, Wenyue Xu, and Robert Kleinberg, “A non-empirical gas slippage model for low to moderate Knudsen numbers,” Physics of Fluids, 29, 2017
- Yao, Bowen, Lei Wang, Xiaolong Yin, Yu-Shu Wu, “Numerical modeling of cryogenic fracturing process on laboratory-scale Niobrara shale samples,” Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, Vol. 48, pp. 169-177, 2017
Dr. Emmanuel P Giannelis
Adjunct Professor, CIPR
Giannelis is the Walter R. Read Professor of Engineering and the Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education in the College of Engineering. His research interests include Nanomaterials for Energy, Biomedical, and Environmental Applications. His group is internationally recognized as one of the leading groups in nanohybrids and nanocomposites. He is a Fellow of the American Chemical Society and of the Polymer Materials Science and Engineering Division of the American Chemical Society. He has won the 2014 Cooperative Research Award from the American Chemical Society, and he is a member of the European Academy of Sciences.
Educational Qualification
- B.S. (Chemistry), University of Athens, 1980
- Ph.D. (Inorganic Chemistry), Michigan State University, 1985
Research Interests
Nanoscale Materials for Energy and Sustainability The prosperity and wealth of any nation significantly depend on its energy resources. Making good investments in energy production and its uses will become even more critical in the future as the population grows, the economy expands and demands for sustainability intensify. In recent years “storm clouds” have been forming at the interface of energy resources, environment, and climate change that demand concerted action by scientists, engineers, and policymakers. Materials innovation can provide unique technological opportunities for addressing some of these challenges. Research efforts in our group have focused on the following four current sectors:
Carbon Capture and Conversion Rising levels of atmospheric CO2 due to increasing consumption of fossil fuels have been widely implicated in global climate change. Post-combustion carbon capture by retrofitting the existing energy infrastructure provides a viable near-term solution to reduce CO2 emissions. While some progress has been made in developing materials for capture, processes to store safely CO2 are still a major challenge. In fact, a more preferable method involves conversion of CO2 into chemicals. The advantage of such a process is that one can simultaneously reduce the CO2 levels in the atmosphere and also provide value-added chemicals from sustainable sources using green processes.
Membranes for Gas Separation and Water Purification Mixed matrix membranes (MMM) combining the advantages of both polymers and inorganic materials have become the focus of next-generation gas separation membranes. However, issues associated with the poor interaction between the particles and the polymer can lead to particle aggregation and the presence of nonselective voids both of which compromise the performance of the membrane. Our efforts have focused on new gas separation membranes onto which a thin layer of porous (MOF, ZIF and zeolite) or non-porous nanoparticles has been immobilized.
A similar immobilization approach is being used to develop patterned surfaces with well-defined hydrophobic/hydrophilic features. Such systems have been proposed for practical, water harvesting systems in countries, which suffer from negligible rainfalls but experience desert fogs. The approach leverages our on-going work to develop non-fouling water membranes by tailoring the membrane surface characteristics via nanoparticle deposition. By properly selecting the nanoparticle and the polymeric membranes robust and scalable systems that do not affect the transport properties of the membrane have been developed.
Energy Storage: Batteries and Supercapacitors Efficient energy storage remains a critical need for developing renewable energy systems. In addition to storing electrical energy from renewable sources and, thus, solving the intermittency problem associated with them, batteries are key components in various portable electronic devices and in hybrid electric vehicles. Research efforts in batteries have focused on both the electrodes as well as the electrolyte. Electrolytes play a critical role for the battery’s efficient and safe performance and need to meet a range of specific requirements. Solvent-free electrolytes with low flammability and toxicity are of great interest to avoid any potential fire hazards. In parallel, several issues with the present cathode materials have led to a search of new systems. Lithium-sulfur is one such system that has theoretical specific capacity and specific energy, which are almost an order of magnitude higher than the current lithium-ion batteries. Sulfur is also non-toxic, highly abundant and cheap. Yet, there are many problems associated with this system, primarily, lower than theoretical specific capacities and poor cycle life.
Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Development and deployment of new, reliable and practical tracers to illuminate an oil reservoir can help delineate waterflood fronts, identify bypassed oil, and map super permeability zones. The capabilities become limitless with the possibility of developing agents that, in addition to illuminating the reservoir, they provide the means to intervene to recover oil or rectify adverse transport conditions. Nanoparticles are small enough to fit through the smallest pores (~50 nm) in the reservoir but much larger than molecular tracers and, therefore, recoverable. Nanoparticle tracers can, thus, yield information much faster because of differences in diffusion and flow behavior. Research in our group has been focusing on the use of nanoparticle tracers that can survive the aggressive high temperature/high salinity environment of the reservoir for batch and real-time sensing as well as modeling of nanoparticle flow in nanoporous media.
Selected Publications
- 2016. “Solubility studies of inorganic-organic hybrid nanoparticle photoresists with different surface functional groups..” Nanoscale 8 (3): 1338-1343. .
- 2015. “High-rate lithium-sulfur batteries enabled by hierarchical porous carbons synthesized via ice templation.” Journal of Power Sources 297: 188-194. .
- 2015. “Solution-printed organic semiconductor blends exhibiting transport properties on par with single crystals..” Nature communications 6: 8598-8598. .
- 2015. “Transport Properties of Amine/Carbon Dioxide Reactive Mixtures and Implications to Carbon Capture Technologies..” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 7 (32): 17603-17613. .
- 2015. “Studying the Mechanism of Hybrid Nanoparticle Photoresists: Effect of Particle Size on Photopatterning.” Chemistry of Materials 27 (14): 5027-5031. .
Awards & Honors
- B.F. Dodge Distinguished Lecture (Yale University) 2009
- Dow-Karabatsos & Distinguished Alumni Lectureship (MSU) 2005
- Associates Award in Applied Polymer Chemistry (PEL) 1999
- Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Teaching (Cornell University) 1994
- Corresponding Member (European Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Manika Prasad
Adjunct Professor, CIPR
Dr. Manika Prasad is a Professor of Geophysics Department at the Colorado School of Mines. She directs the Colorado School of Mines Center for Rock and Fluids Multiphysics. Her research interests are multidisciplinary research on rock, sediment and fluid properties, geological carbon storage, quantitative multioscale and multiphysics characterizations of geologic formations. Through her teaching and research, she engages the next generation of industry professionals through her own clear understanding of rock physics and perceptive questioning of her students.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D. Summa Cum Laude in Geophysics. Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany. Advisor: Rolf Meissner
- M.S. Geology. Christian-Albrechts-Universität, Kiel, Germany. Advisors: Rolf Meissner (Geophysics thesis) and Klaus Duphorn (Geology thesis)
- B.S.-Honors with distinction Geology, minor in Chemistry. St. Xavier’s College, University of Bombay, India
Research Interests
- Rock Physics: Poroelasticity, carbonates, multiphysics assessments, dispersion, and attenuation
- Experimental designs and models
- Carbon Storage: storage capacity, seal integrity, monitoring and assessment, applying Machine learning to CCS
- Gas and dust pollution monitoring, assessment and map of pollution source
Selected Publications
- Falcon-Suarez, I.H., Livo, K., Callow, B., Marin-Moreno, H., Prasad, M. and Best, A.I., 2020. Geophysical early warning of salt precipitation during geological carbon sequestration. Scientific reports, 10(1), pp.1-14.
- Niu, Q., Zhang, C. and Prasad, M., 2020. A Framework for Pore‐Scale Simulation of Effective Electrical Conductivity and Permittivity of Porous Media in the Frequency Range From 1 mHz to 1 GHz. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125(10), p.e2020JB020515.
- Murugesu, M.P., Prasad, M., Pylypenko, S., 2020, Surface and bulk characterization of reservoir and cap-rocks: past, present and future: JVST A: Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology, 38, #5, 050801.
- Atkinson, J., Prasad, M., Abbud-Madrid, A., & Dreyer, C. B., 2020, Penetration and relaxation behavior of JSC-1A lunar regolith simulant under cryogenic conditions. Icarus, 113812.
- Livo, K., Saidian, M., & Prasad, M., 2020, Effect of paramagnetic mineral content and distribution on nuclear magnetic resonance surface relaxivity in organic-rich Niobrara and Haynesville shales. Fuel, 269, 117417.
Extended Publications (+)
- Ferraro, F.; Agosta, F.; Prasad, M.; Vinciguerra, S.; Violay, M.; Giorgioni, M.; 2020, Pore space properties in carbonate fault rocks of peninsular Italy, Journal of Structural Geology, 130, 103913, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsg.2019.103913.
- Revil, A., Ghorbani, A., Mapeli, C., Livo, K., Prasad, M., 2019, Differential pressure dependence of the complex conductivity of sandstones: Geophysical Journal International 219, #3, 2110-2124.
- Kamruzzaman, A., Prasad, M., Sonnenberg,S., 2019, Petrophysical rock typing in unconventional shale plays: a Niobrara Formation case study: Interpretation, 7, #4, SJ7-SJ22.
- Moyer, J., Prasad, M., 2017, Property Changes of Oil Shale During Artificial Maturation: the Irati Formation from the Paraná Basin, Brazil: Geophysics 82 (6), 1-65.
- Kuila*, U., Prasad, M., 2013, Surface area and pore-size distribution in clays and shales; Geophysical Prospecting, 61, 341–362.
- Prasad, M., 2003, Correlating Permeability with Velocity using Flow Zone Indicators: Geophysics, v. 68, #1, 108 – 117, DOI:10.1190/1.1543198.
- Prasad, M., 2002, Acoustic measurements in sands at low effective pressure: Overpressure detection in sands: Geophysics, v. 67, #2, 405 – 412, DOI:10.1190/1.1468600.
- Prasad, M., Dvorkin, J., 2001, Velocity to porosity transforms in marine sediments: Petrophysics, v. 42, #5, 429 – 437.
Awards & Honors
- 2019 SEG Distinguished Instructor for Short Course (DISC) on Rock Physics
- 2019 – 2020 1st Vice President SEG
- 2019 GRIT (Growth, Resilience, Innovation & Talent) award
- 2018 – 2019 2nd Vice President SEG
- 2017 Virgil Kauffman Gold Medal
- 2017 Honorary Membership to the Geophysical Society of Houston
- 2015 SEG Outstanding Educator Award
- 2014 – SEG Continuing Education Lecturer on Rock Physics of Shales
- 2012 SEG/AAPG Fall Distinguished Lecturer on Shales and Imposters
- 2003 Outstanding Mentor to Native American Students, Stanford University
- 2003 Sabbatical Fellowship, Danish Technical University, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
- 2002 Outstanding Mentor to Native American Students, Stanford University
- 1999 Top 25 Paper from 587 papers at 1999 SEG annual convention
- 1983 Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Scholarship for Ph.D. research
- 1978 University of Bombay, Merit Scholarship Award
- 1978 Distinction in B.Sc. (Hons.), ranked first in Bombay University
Dr. David A . Weitz
Adjunct Professor, CIPR
Professor Weitz is the Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University. He holds several other affiliations at Harvard including: Professor in the Department of Systems Biology, Director of the Materials Research Science & Engineering Center (MRSEC) and core member at the Wyss Institute of the Biomedical Engineering. He started his career in 1978 as a Physicist with Exxon Research and Engineering and progressed to become the Science Area Leader on Complex Fluids at the company before joining the University of Pennsylvania in 1995 as a Professor of Physics. In 1999, he was appointed the Gordon McKay Professor of Physics and Applied Physics at Harvard University.
He is a member of both the US National Academy of Sciences (2010) and the US National Academy of Engineering (2016). He is also a foreign member of the Chinese Academy of Chemistry (2013). His credentials include: 75 trainees in academic positions (assistant professors and associate professors), 49 graduated students, 23 current students, 166 graduated post docs, 22 current post docs, 711 published papers and 84 issued patents. He founded 20 startup companies. His h-index is 133 (close to 62,000 citation hits as per the Web of Science).
Weitz and his group study the properties of colloidal suspensions to investigate the behavior of crystals and glasses as well as the properties of highly disordered gels. They use confocal microscopy, scattering and rheology to investigate both fundamental properties that are modeled using the colloidal particles as well as more technological applications of these systems. They also investigate other soft materials such as foams, emulsions and gels, to study the relationship between their internal structure and dynamics and their bulk properties, developing a fundamental understanding that can also impact on technological applications.
Weitz and his group also are developing methods to make ‘designer’ emulsions and foams on a drop-by-drop basis using a class of microfluidic devices that they have developed. They fabricate multiple emulsions with exquisite precision and they explore both the basic physics of these structures, as well as their potential uses for encapsulation of active materials. In addition, they explore the scale-up of these structures to make useful quantities of materials.
Professor Weitz is a member of the Global Partnership Advisory (or Assessment) Committee at the CPG. He will support the post doctoral exchange initiative with Harvard University. He will engage with faculty and researchers on nucleating and further developing the programs related to Materials Science, Colloids and Interfaces, and Oilfield Chemistry at the CIPR, CPG and KFUPM. More particularly, he will help in:
- Screening, interviewing and recommending candidates
- Mentoring young faculty and researchers
- Developing and co-developing short courses and full-length graduate courses on the topic of complex fluids
- Developing lab capabilities related to the programs of interest
- Contributing to CPG and KFUPM publication records
Educational Qualification
- B.S., Honors Physics, University of Waterloo, 1973.
- A.M., Physics, Harvard University, 1975.
- Ph.D., Physics, Harvard University, 1978. (Advisor: Prof. M. Tinkham).
Research Interests
- Physics of soft condensed matter, colloidal dispersions, foams and emulsions, biomaterials.
- Mechanics of biomaterials, cell rheology.
- Microfluidic techniques for new complex fluid structures, bio-chemical assays, screening.
- Synthesis of new soft materials; engineering structures for encapsulation
- Multiphase fluid flow in porous media
- New optical measurement techniques for dynamics and mechanics of random systems.
- Multiple scattering of classical waves.
Selected Publications
Publications for 2018
- “High-Throughput Double Emulsion-Based Microfluidic Production of Hydrogel Microspheres with Tunable Chemical Functionalities toward Biomolecular Conjugation,” E.Y. Liu, S. Jung, D.A. Weitz, H. Yi and C.-H. Choi, Lab Chip 18, 323 (2018).
- 690. “Surfactant Variations in Porous Media Localize Capillary Instabilities During Haines Jumps,” Y. Edery, S. Berg and D. Weitz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 028005 (2018).
- 691. “Microfluidic Templated Multicompartment Microgels for 3d Encapsulation and Pairing of Single Cells,” L. Zhang, K. Chen, H. Zhang, B. Pang, C.H. Choi, A.S. Mao, H. Liao, S. Utech, D.J. Mooney, H. Wang and D.A. Weitz, Small 14, 1702955 (2018).
- 692. “Rapid Patterning of Pdms Microfluidic Device Wettability Using Syringe-Vacuum-Induced Segmented Flow in Non-Planar Geometry,” C.-H. Choi, H. Lee and D.A. Weitz, ACS Appl. Mat. & Inter. 10, 3170 (2018).
- 693. “Gold Nanorods Conjugated Porous Silicon Nanoparticles Encapsulated in Calcium Alginate Nano Hydrogels Using Microemulsion Templates,” H. Zhang, Y. Zhu, L. Qu, H. Wu, H. Kong, Z. Yang, D. Chen, E. Makila, J.J. Salonen and H.A. Santos, Nano Lett. 18, 1448 (2018).
- 694. “Throughput Enhancement of Parallel Step Emulsifier Devices by Shear-Free and Efficient Nozzle Clearance,” E. Stolovicki, R. Ziblat and D.A. Weitz, Lab Chip 18, 132-138 (2018).
- 695. “Interaction of Spin-Labeled Hpma-Based Nanoparticles with Human Blood Plasma Proteins–Introduction of Protein-Corona Free Polymer Nanomedicines,” D. Klepac, H. Kostkova, S. Petrova, P. Chytil, T. Etrych, S. Kereïche, I. Raska, D.A. Weitz and S.K. Filippov, Nanoscale, 10, 6194 (2018).
- 696. “Geometric Constraints During Epithelial Jamming,” L. Atia, D.P. Bi, Y. Sharma, J.A. Mitchel, B. Gweon, S.A. Koehler, S.J. Decamp, B. Lan, J.H. Kim, R. Hirsch, A.F. Pegoraro, K.H. Lee, J.R. Starr, D.A. Weitz, A.C. Martin, J.A. Park, J.P. Butler and J.J. Fredberg, Nat. Phys. 14, 613 (2018).
- “Microfluidic Model Porous Media: Fabrication and Applications,” A. Anbari, H.T. Chien, S.S. Datta, W. Deng, D.A. Weitz and J. Fan, Small 14 (18), e1703575 (2018).
- 698. “Regularized Lattice Boltzmann Multicomponent Models for Low Capillary and Reynolds Microfluidics Flows,” A. Montessori, M. Lauricella, M. La Rocca, S. Succi, E. Stolovicki, R. Ziblat and D. Weitz, Computers & Fluids 167, 33-39 (2018).
- 699. “Tissue and Cellular Rigidity and Mechanosensitive Signaling Activation in Alexander Disease,” L.Q. Wang, J. Xia, J. Li, T.L. Hagemann, J.R. Jones, E. Fraenkel, D.A. Weitz, S.C. Zhang, A. Messing and M.B. Feany, Nat. Commun. 9, (2018).
- 700. “Elucidating the mechanism of step emulsification,” A. Montessori, M. Lauricella, S. Succi, E. Stolovicki and D.A. Weitz, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 072202 (2018).
- 701. “Dynamic Microcapsules with Rapid and Reversible Permeability Switching,” J.G. Werner, B.T. Deveney, S. Nawar and D.A. Weitz, Adv. Funct. Mater., 28, 1803385 (2018)
- 702. “Hydrogel Microcapsules with Dynamic pH-Responsive Properties from Methacrylic Anhydride,” J. Werner, S. Nawar, A.A. Solovev and D.A. Weitz, Macromol. 51, 5798 (2018).
- 703. “Microfluidic fabrication of microparticles for biomedical applications,” W. Li, L. Zhang, X. Ge, B. Xu, W. Zhang, L. Qu, C.-H. Choi, J. Xu, A. Zhang, H. Lee, and D.A. Weitz, Chem. Soc. Rev. 47, 5646 (2018).
- 704. “Single-cell sequencing leads a new era of profiling transcriptomic landscape,” H. Zhang, N. Cui, Y, Cai, F. Lei and D.A. Weitz, Bio-X Res, 1, 2 (2018).
- 705. “A Versatile Strategy to Fabricate 3D Conductive Frameworks for Lithium Metal Anodes,” L.-Y. Qi, L. Shang, X. Chen, L. Ye, W. Zhang, P. Feng, W. Zou, N. Cao, H.-H. Zhou, D.A. Weitz and X. Li, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 5, 1800807 (2018).
- 706. “Evolution on the biophysical fitness landscape of an RNA virus,” A. Rotem, A.W.R. Serohijos, C.B. Chang, J.T. Wolfe, A.E. Fischer, T.S. Mehoke, H. Zhang, Y. Tao, W.L. Ung, J.-M. Choi, J.V. Rodrigues, A.O. Kolawole, S.A. Koehler, S. Wu, P.M. Thielen, N. Cui, P.A. Demirev, N.S. Giacobbi, T.R. Julian, K.
- Schwab, J.S Lin, T.J. Smith, J.M. Pipas, C.E. Wobus, A.B. Feldman, D.A. Weitz, E.I. Shakhnovich, Mol. Biol. Evol., 35, 2390 (2018).
- 707. “Wetting controls of droplet formation in step emulsification,” M.L. Eggersdorfer, H. Seybold, A. Ofner, D.A. Weitz and A.R. Studart, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, 9479 (2018)
- 708. “Collective Shape Actuation of Polymer Double Emulsions by Solvent Evaporation,” W. Shi, J.E. Didier, D. E. Ingber and D. A. Weitz, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10, 31865 (2018).
- 709. “Determining the Lipid Specificity of Insoluble Protein Transmembrane Domains,” R. Ziblat, J. Weaver, L.R. Arriaga, S. Chong and D.A. Weitz, Lab Chip 18, 3561 (2018).
- 710. “Tumor-Vasculature-on-a-Chip for Investigating Nanoparticle Extravasation and Tumor Accumulation,” H.-F. Wang, R. Ran, Y. Liu, Y. Hui, B. Zeng, D. Chen, D.A. Weitz and C.-X. Zhao, ACS Nano 12, 11600 (2018)
- 711. “Versatile Hydrogel Ensembles with Macroscopic Multidimensions,” Q. Li, Y.-W. Zhang, C.-F. Wang, D.A. Weitz and S. Chen, Adv. Mater. 1803475 (2018) DOI: 10.1002/adma.201803475.
Awards & Honors
- Developed Diffusing-Wave Spectroscopy and exploited it for novel studies of soft materials.
- Developed microrheology and applied it to biomaterials, polymers, colloids and emulsions.
- Developed confocal microscopy to investigate dynamics of 3D colloidal suspensions.
- Developed microfluidics for compartmentalized bio-assays, and synthesis of new materials.
- Developed method for inexpensive single-cell sequencing of large number of cells
- Founded 20 start-up companies based on microfluidics applications.
- Developed techniques to study cell rheology, and showed importance of non-linear behavior.
- Developed use of self-assembly to synthesize new encapsulation structures
- Developed Diffusing Acoustic Wave Spectroscopy to study solid particle dynamics in fluids.
- Discovered novel colloidal interactions in anisotropic fluids with emulsions in liquid crystals
- Showed that the structure of colloidal aggregates is fractal.
- Developed general model for surface-enhanced light scattering at rough metal surfaces.
- Performed several experiments in space with NASA support to study basic colloid physics.
- Created Science and Cooking, one of the most popular courses at Harvard