B.S. in Geophysics (Prior 2020)

(A) General Education (62 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Chemistry CHEM 1014
Information and Computer ScienceICS 1033
EnglishENGL 101, 102, 2149
Islamic and Arabic StudiesIAS 101, 111, 201, 212, 301, 32212
MathematicsMATH 101, 102, 201, 20214
Physical EducationPE 101, 1022
PhysicsPHYS 101, 102, 204, 205, 210, 30512
(B) Core Courses (42 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Principles of GeologyGEOL 1013
Introduction to the Petroleum IndustryPETE 1012
Essentials of GeophysicsGEOP 1022
Introduction to SeismologyGEOP 2043
Computational GeophysicsGEOP 2053
Introduction to Seismic ExplorationGEOP 2153
Methods of Theoretical PhysicsPHYS 2103
Gravity and Magnetic ExplorationGEOP 3043
Seismic Data ProcessingGEOP 3203
Electrical and Electromagnetic ExplorationGEOP 3533
Structural GeologyGEOL 3053
Integrated Petroleum Geology GEOL 3454
Electricity and Magnetism IPHYS 3053
Integrated Design ICPG 4981
Integrated Design IICPG 4992
SeminarGEOP 4051
(C) Electives Courses (24 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Geophysics ElectiveGEOP 3xx and GEOP 4xx6
Petroleum Engineering ElectivePETE 3xx3
Math ElectiveMATH xxx3
General Studies (Two Courses)GS xxx6
Free ElectivesXXX xxx3
(D) Summer Sessions (6 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Summer Camp CPG 1991
Summer TrainingGEOP 3991
Geophysics Field CampGEOP 4904
(E) List of Geophysics and CPG Elective Courses
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Sedimentology and StratigraphyGEOL 2703
Sustaining the EarthGEOL 3033
Petroleum GeologyGEOL 3153
Regional GeologyGEOL 3183
Energy and EnvironmentGEOL 4473
Subsurface GeologyGEOL 4653
Borehole GeophysicsGEOP 3403
Current Topics in GeosciencesGEOP 4203
Seismic Data InterpretationGEOP 4163
Geophysical Well Logging GEOP 4303
GeodynamicsGEOP 4553
Paleomagnetism GEOP 4653
Engineering GeophysicsGEOP 4703
Environmental GeophysicsGEOP 4753
Data Inversion in Geophysics GEOP 4783
Special TopicsGEOP 4803
PetrophysicsGEOP 4883
Advanced Reservoir Characterization GEOP 4953
Undergraduate ResearchGEOP 4973
Well LoggingPETE 3133
Reservoir DescriptionPETE 3154
Rock MechanicsPETE 4243
Preparatory Year
ENGL 01-xxPreparatory English I1554ENGL 03-xxPreparatory English III1554
ENGL 02-xxPreparatory English II4ENGL 04-xxPreparatory English IV4
MATH 001Preparatory Math I314MATH 002Preparatory Math II314
PYP 001Preparatory Physical Science202PYP 002Preparatory Computer Science021
PYP 003Life Skills021PYP 004Prep. Engineering Technology021
PE 001Preparatory Health and
Physical Education I
021PE 002Preparatory Health and
Physical Education II
Total credits required in the Preparatory-Year Program: 31
First Year (Freshman)
GEOL 101 Principles of Geology233GEOP 102Essentials of Geophysics202
PETE 101Intro. to Petroleum Industry202ENGL 102Intro. to Report Writing303
MATH 101Calculus I404CHEM 101General Chemistry I344
PE 101Health and Physical Education I021MATH 102Calculus II334
ENGL 101Intro. to Academic Discourse303PHYS 102General Physics II334
PHYS 101General Physics I334PE 102Health and Physical Education II021
Summer Session I
CPG 199Summer Camp001
Second Year (Sophomore)
GEOP 215Intro. to Seismic Exploration303GEOP 204Intro. to Seismology303
ICS 103Computer Programming in C233GEOP 205Computational Geophysics303
MATH 201Calculus III303PHYS 210Methods of Theoretical Physics303
PHYS 204General Physics III303MATH 202Elements of Differential Equation303
PHYS 205General Physics III Lab031ENGL 214Academic & Professional Communication303
IAS 101Practical Grammar202IAS 111Belief and Its Effect202
Summer Session II
GEOP 399Summer Training001
Third Year (Junior)
GEOL 305Structural Geology233GEOP 304Gravity and Magnetic Exploration303
GEOL 345Integrated Petroleum Geolgy334GEOP 320Seismic Data PRocessing233
PHYS 305Electricity and Magnetism I303GEOP 353Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration303
MATH xxxMath Elective 303IAS 212Professional Ethics202
IAS 201Objective Writing202GS xxxGeneral Studies Elective I303
Summer Session III
GEOP 490Geophysics Field Camp094
Fourth Year (Senior)
CPG 498Integrated Design I031CPG 499Integrated Design II062
GEOP 3xxGEOP Elective I303GEOP 405Seminar101
PETE 3xxPETE Elective303GEOP 4xxGEOP Elective II303
XXX xxxCPG Elective303IAS 322Human Rights in Islam202
GS xxxGS Elective II303IAS 301Language Communication Skills202
XXX xxxFree Elective 303
Total credit hours required for B.S. degree: 128
(A) General Education (62 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Chemistry CHEM 1014
Information and Computer ScienceICS 1033
EnglishENGL 101, 102, 2149
Islamic and Arabic StudiesIAS 101, 111, 201, 212, 301, 32212
MathematicsMATH 101, 102, 201, 20214
Physical EducationPE 101, 1022
PhysicsPHYS 101, 102, 204, 205, 210, 30512
(B) Core Courses (42 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Principles of GeologyGEOL 1013
Introduction to the Petroleum IndustryPETE 1012
Essentials of GeophysicsGEOP 1022
Introduction to SeismologyGEOP 2043
Computational GeophysicsGEOP 2053
Introduction to Seismic ExplorationGEOP 2153
Methods of Theoretical PhysicsPHYS 2103
Gravity and Magnetic ExplorationGEOP 3043
Seismic Data ProcessingGEOP 3203
Electrical and Electromagnetic ExplorationGEOP 3533
Structural GeologyGEOL 3053
Integrated Petroleum Geology GEOL 3454
Electricity and Magnetism IPHYS 3053
Integrated Design ICPG 4981
Integrated Design IICPG 4992
SeminarGEOP 4051
(C) Electives Courses (24 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Geophysics ElectiveGEOP 3xx and GEOP 4xx6
Petroleum Engineering ElectivePETE 3xx3
Math ElectiveMATH xxx3
General Studies (Two Courses)GS xxx6
Free ElectivesXXX xxx3
(D) Summer Sessions (6 credit hours)
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Summer Camp CPG 1991
Summer TrainingGEOP 3991
Geophysics Field CampGEOP 4904
(E) List of Geophysics and CPG Elective Courses
CourseCodeCredit Hours
Sedimentology and StratigraphyGEOL 2703
Sustaining the EarthGEOL 3033
Petroleum GeologyGEOL 3153
Regional GeologyGEOL 3183
Energy and EnvironmentGEOL 4473
Subsurface GeologyGEOL 4653
Borehole GeophysicsGEOP 3403
Current Topics in GeosciencesGEOP 4203
Seismic Data InterpretationGEOP 4163
Geophysical Well Logging GEOP 4303
GeodynamicsGEOP 4553
Paleomagnetism GEOP 4653
Engineering GeophysicsGEOP 4703
Environmental GeophysicsGEOP 4753
Data Inversion in Geophysics GEOP 4783
Special TopicsGEOP 4803
PetrophysicsGEOP 4883
Advanced Reservoir Characterization GEOP 4953
Undergraduate ResearchGEOP 4973
Well LoggingPETE 3133
Reservoir DescriptionPETE 3154
Rock MechanicsPETE 4243
Preparatory Year
ENGL 01-xxPreparatory English I1554ENGL 03-xxPreparatory English III1554
ENGL 02-xxPreparatory English II4ENGL 04-xxPreparatory English IV4
MATH 001Preparatory Math I314MATH 002Preparatory Math II314
PYP 001Preparatory Physical Science202PYP 002Preparatory Computer Science021
PYP 003Life Skills021PYP 004Prep. Engineering Technology021
PE 001Preparatory Health and
Physical Education I
021PE 002Preparatory Health and
Physical Education II
Total credits required in the Preparatory-Year Program: 31
First Year (Freshman)
GEOL 101 Principles of Geology233GEOP 102Essentials of Geophysics202
PETE 101Intro. to Petroleum Industry202ENGL 102Intro. to Report Writing303
MATH 101Calculus I404CHEM 101General Chemistry I344
PE 101Health and Physical Education I021MATH 102Calculus II334
ENGL 101Intro. to Academic Discourse303PHYS 102General Physics II334
PHYS 101General Physics I334PE 102Health and Physical Education II021
Summer Session I
CPG 199Summer Camp001
Second Year (Sophomore)
GEOP 215Intro. to Seismic Exploration303GEOP 204Intro. to Seismology303
ICS 103Computer Programming in C233GEOP 205Computational Geophysics303
MATH 201Calculus III303PHYS 210Methods of Theoretical Physics303
PHYS 204General Physics III303MATH 202Elements of Differential Equation303
PHYS 205General Physics III Lab031ENGL 214Academic & Professional Communication303
IAS 101Practical Grammar202IAS 111Belief and Its Effect202
Summer Session II
GEOP 399Summer Training001
Third Year (Junior)
GEOL 305Structural Geology233GEOP 304Gravity and Magnetic Exploration303
GEOL 345Integrated Petroleum Geolgy334GEOP 320Seismic Data PRocessing233
PHYS 305Electricity and Magnetism I303GEOP 353Electrical and Electromagnetic Exploration303
MATH xxxMath Elective 303IAS 212Professional Ethics202
IAS 201Objective Writing202GS xxxGeneral Studies Elective I303
Summer Session III
GEOP 490Geophysics Field Camp094
Fourth Year (Senior)
CPG 498Integrated Design I031CPG 499Integrated Design II062
GEOP 3xxGEOP Elective I303GEOP 405Seminar101
PETE 3xxPETE Elective303GEOP 4xxGEOP Elective II303
XXX xxxCPG Elective303IAS 322Human Rights in Islam202
GS xxxGS Elective II303IAS 301Language Communication Skills202
XXX xxxFree Elective 303
Total credit hours required for B.S. degree: 128