Welcome to Summer Camp (CPG 199) for 2019, unconventional learning, educational, informative, integrative, and engaging program. This program provides an unparalleled opportunity for educational enrichment, team building, and personal growth.
The idea for CPG 199 was spawned during discussions of curriculum development for the new College. Established in 2015, the College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences (CPG) matriculated the first undergraduate class in Fall 2017. Establishment of the College was predicated on providing a truly integrated educational experience among geology, geophysics, and petroleum engineering students. Because petrotechnical industry professionals work in multidisciplinary teams, CPG strives to inculcate integration throughout the undergraduate curriculum. This integration is realized in (1) a common freshman curriculum across the three majors, (2) a common post-first-year, eight-week summer experience (CPG 199 Summer Camp), and (3) a senior design course sequence involving teams of geology, geophysics, and petroleum engineering majors solving real-world problems in petroleum exploration and production.
For our second year of CPG 199, an exciting program was planned in Oman, Poland and Saudi Arabia attended by 63 students and 9 faculty members. It was an enriching and valuable experience that students will carry with them for the rest of their life.
Let’s take a look at the Summer Camp 2019 Experience (Oman) in the following video.