Dr. Muhammad Hammad Malik

Tel: +966 013 860-1793

Location: Bldg. 76, Room 2160

Dr. Muhammad Hammad Malik

Post-Doc Researcher, Department of Geosciences

Muhammad Hammad Malik, a recent Ph.D. graduate in Geology from King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. His research centers’ on stable isotope geochemistry and mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sedimentology, particularly focusing on Ediacaran sediments in the Arabian Plate. With a master’s degree emphasizing micropaleontology and sequence stratigraphy, Muhammad has integrated various geological disciplines to enhance basin studies, contributing valuable insights for academia and industry. Alongside he has also taught several bachelors and masters level courses here in KFUPM designated as teaching & research assistant and has participated in many academia and industry-oriented research projects.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., in Sedimentology & Stable Isotope Geochemistry, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia, 2020 – 2024
  • M.S., in Carbonate Sedimentology & Micropaleontology, King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia, 2013 – 2016
  • B.S., in Applied Petroleum Geology, Institute of Geology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan, 2007 – 2012

Research Interests

  • Ediacaran Sedimentary Deposits of Arabian plate
  • Mixed Siliciclastic-Carbonate sedimentology
  • Stable Isotope Geochemistry
  • Paleoenvironment interpretation and Sedimentary basin analysis

Selected Publications

  • Malik, M. H., Koeshidayatullah, A., Herlambang, A., Al-Ramadan, K., & Kaminski, M. A. (2024). Vase-shaped microfossils and possible trochamminid foraminifera from the Ediacaran Dhaiqa Formation of Saudi Arabia. Stratigraphy, 21(1), 67–78. https://doi.org/10.29041/strat.21.1.04
  • Malik, M. H., Chan, S. A., Babalola, L. O., & Kaminski, M. A. (2022). Optimization of the acetic acid method for microfossil extraction from lithified carbonate rocks: Examples from the Jurassic and Miocene limestones of Saudi Arabia. MethodsX, 9, 101828. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2022.101828
  • Malik, M. H., Babalola, L. O., Al-Ramadan, K., & Kaminski, M. A. (2020). Integrated micropaleontology, sedimentology and sequence stratigraphy of the Middle Jurassic D5-D6 Members of the Dhruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia. Micropaleontology, 66(6), 519–547.
  • Butt, M. N., Hussain, A., Malik, M. H., Amao, A., Koeshidayatullah, A., Olariu, C., Bello, A., & Al-Ramadan, K. (2024). Depositional architecture of early rift non-marine systems and implication for reservoir development: Oligocene to Miocene Al Wajh Formation, Midyan Basin of Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Marine & Petroleum Geology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2024.107033
  • Hussain, A., Bello, A., Butt, M. N., Malik, M. H., Koeshidayatullah, A., Amao, A., Olariu, C., & Al-Ramadan, K. (2024). Diagenetic variability in Tertiary, syn-rift mixed siliciclastic carbonate depositional system (Lower Musayr Formation), Red Sea, Saudi Arabia. Sedimentary Geology, 470, 106699. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2024.106699

Extended Publications (+)

  • Bello, A. M., Al-Ramadan, K., Koeshidayatullah, A. I., Amao, A. O., Herlambang, A., Al-Ghamdi, F., & Malik, M. H. (2023). Impact of magmatic intrusion on diagenesis of shallow marine sandstones: An example from Qasim Formation, Northwest Saudi Arabia. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2023.1105547
  • Bello, A. M., Butt, M. N., Hussain, A., Amao, A. O., Olariu, C., Koeshidayatullah, A. I., Malik, M. H., Al-Hashem, M., & Al-Ramadan, K. (2023). Impact of depositional and diagenetic controls on reservoir quality of syn-rift sedimentary systems: An example from Oligocene-Miocene Al Wajh Formation, northwest Saudi Arabia. Sedimentary Geology, 446, 106342. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sedgeo.2023.106342
  • Bello, A. M., Al-Ramadan, K., Koeshidayatullah, A. I., Amao, A. O., Herlambang, A., AlGhamdi, F. M., & Malik, M. H. (2022). Impact of Magmatic Intrusion on Diagenesis of Shallow Marine Sandstones: An Example from Qasim Formation, Northwest Saudi Arabia. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4197997
  • Herlambang, A., Koeshidayatullah, A. I., Amao, A. O., Bello, A. M., Al-Ghamdi, F., Malik, M. H., & Al-Ramadan, K. A. H. (2022). Structural diagenesis and dolomitization of Cenozoic post-rift carbonates in the Red Sea rift basin: A multiproxy approach. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10. https://doi.org/10.3389/feart.2022.1037126
  • Hussain, A., Butt, M. N., Olariu, C., Malik, M. H., Koeshidayatullah, A., Amao, A., & Al-Ramadan, K. (2022). Unravelling reservoir quality heterogeneity in mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposits: An example from Miocene Red Sea rift, NW Saudi Arabia. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 145, 105850. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpetgeo.2022.105850
  • Kaminski, M. A., Amao, A. O., Babalola, L. O., Balc, R., Chan, S. A., Gull, H. M., Khamsin, A. B., & Malik, M. H. (2020). Benthic foraminiferal assemblages from maximum flooding surface J30, Middle Jurassic Dhruma Formation, Central Saudi Arabia. Stratigraphy, 279–292. https://doi.org/10.29041/strat.17.4.279-292
  • Kaminski, M. A., Malik, M. H., & Setoyama, E. (2018). The occurrence of a shallow-water Ammobaculoides assemblage in the Middle Jurassic (Bajocian) Dhruma Formation of Central Saudi Arabia. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 37(1), 149–152. https://doi.org/10.5194/jm-37-149-2018

Awards & Honors

  • 2024      IAS Travel Grant for Conference presentation to Aberdeen, Scotland
  • 2020      Fully funded PhD Scholarship – Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia
  • 2016      Best Performing Graduate Award – College of Petroleum Engineering & Geosciences, KFUPM
  • 2015      Gold Medal in Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) of AAPG for Middle East Region
  • 2015      Stoneley Medal in Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) of AAPG Global Event held in Denver, USA
  • 2013      Fully funded MS Scholarship – Ministry of Higher Education of Saudi Arabia
  • 2012      Appointed as delegate representative of Youth Parliament Pakistan to Stockholm, Sweden
  • 2012      Appointed as a Member of Youth Parliament Pakistan
  • 2011      Government of Pakistan Merit Scholarship – University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • 2010      Government of Pakistan Merit Scholarship – University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • 2009      Government of Pakistan Merit Scholarship – University of the Punjab, Pakistan
  • 2008      Government of Pakistan Merit Scholarship – University of the Punjab, Pakistan

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 2160

Dr. Abdullah Abdulkarem Basaleh

Post-Doc Fellow, Department of Geosciences

Dr. Basaleh is a postdoctoral research associate at Geosciences Department at CPG, KFUPM. His research area is utilization of waste and natural materials for wastewater treatment by adsorption process, particularly the production of low-cost adsorbents for organic and inorganic pollutants removal

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., Civil & Environmental Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia, 2021
  • M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia, 2015
  • B.S., Civil Engineering, Hadhramaut university, Yemen (2010)

Research Interests

  • Industrial wastewater treatment using adsorption process.
  • Polymeric composites synthesis for organic and inorganic pollutants removal from wastewater.
  •  Synthesis of low-cost, waste and natural-based adsorbents for sustainable wastewater treatment.

Selected Publications

  • A. Basaleh, M. H. Al-Malack, and T. A. Saleh, “Poly (acrylamide acrylic acid)/Baghouse dust magnetic composite hydrogel as an efficient adsorbent for metals and MB; synthesis, characterization, mechanism, and statistical analysis,” Sustain. Chem. Pharm., vol. 23, no. July, p. 100503, Oct. 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.scp.2021.100503
  • A. Basaleh, M. H. Al-malack, and T. A. Saleh, “Poly ( acrylamide acrylic acid ) grafted on steel slag as an efficient magnetic adsorbent for cationic and anionic dyes,” J. Environ. Chem. Eng., vol. 9, no. 2, p. 105126, 2021, doi: 10.1016/j.jece.2021.105126.
  • A. Basaleh, M. H. Al-Malack, and T. A. Saleh, “Polyamide-Baghouse Dust Nanocomposite for Removal of Methylene Blue and Metals; Characterization, Kinetic, Thermodynamic and Regeneration,” Chinese J. Chem. Eng., Oct. 2020, doi: 10.1016/j.cjche.2020.08.050.
  • A. Basaleh, M. H. Al-Malack, and T. A. Saleh, “Methylene Blue Removal using Polyamide-Vermiculite Nanocomposites: Kinetics, Equilibrium and Thermodynamic Study,” J. Environ. Chem. Eng., vol. 7, no. March, p. 103107, 2019.
  • A. Basaleh, M. H. Al-Malack, and T. A. Saleh, “Metal removal using chemically modified eggshells: preparation, characterization, and statistical analysis,” Desalin. Water Treat., vol. 18, no. 1, 2019
  • A. Basaleh and M. H. Al-Malack, “Utilization of Municipal Organic Solid Waste for Production of Activated Carbon in Saudi Arabia,” Arab. J. Sci. Eng., vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 3585–3599, 2018.
  • H. Al-Malack, O. G. Al-Attas, and A. A. Basaleh, “Competitive adsorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+ onto activated carbon produced from municipal organic solid waste,” Desalin. Water Treat., vol. 60, pp. 310–318, 2017
  • M. H. Al-Malack and A. A. Basaleh, “Adsorption of heavy metals using activated carbon produced from municipal organic solid waste,” Desalin. Water Treat., vol. 57, no. 51, pp. 24519–24531, 2016

Awards & Honors

  • B.S. degree with First-class honors .

Dr. Giovanni Bertotti

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences

Giovanni Bertotti is a structural geologist with a long experience in the analysis of multiscale deformation patterns in different tectonic settings in different parts of the world. Building on his knowledge of the evolution of sedimentary basins, he has gradually moved towards a more quantitative description addressing the stress and strain evolution of rocks during basin formation and deformation. During the last years, he has developed research on Naturally Fractured Reservoirs combining numerical modeling techniques with observations from outcropping analogs of buried reservoirs. He has worked on fractures networks in a variety of lithologies from fluvial deposits (Jordan), turbidite sands in the Karoo Basin (South Africa) as well as on tight shallow water Devonian sand in Morocco. Since a few years, he is investigating fracture patterns in sub-horizontal and in folded shallow-water carbonates on the basis of outcropping analogs in Tunisia (Kef eddour/Berda Formations) and Brazil (Jandaira Formation). Building on the strong collaboration with geomechanics and flow modellers at the Delft University of Technology and elsewhere, Giovanni Bertotti investigates the impact fractures have on porosity and permeability and, eventually, on flow reservoir scale flow patterns.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D. at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
  • MSc in Earth Sciences, University of Pisa (Italy)

Research Interests

  • Structural Geology
  • Sedimentary Basins
  • Tectonics-Sedimentation Interactions
  • Fractured Reservoirs
  • Thermal Evolution of Sedimentary Basins
  • Petroleum Systems

Selected Publications


  • LOPES J.A.G, de CASTRO, D.L. and BERTOTTI, G. 2018. Quantitative analysis of the tectonic subsidence in the Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil). Journal of Geodynamics, 117, 60-74.


  • BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G., BEZERRA, F.H., 2017. Inter-well scale natural fracture geometry and permeability variations in low-deformation carbonate rocks. J. Structural Geology, 97, 23-36.
  • de GRAAF, S., BERTOTTI, G., REIJMER, J.J.G., BEZERRA, F.H., CAZARIN, C., BISDOM, K., VONHOF, H.B., 2017. Fracture-controlled fluid circulation and calcite vein cementation during early burial in shallow water carbonates (Jandaíra Formation, northeast Brazil), Marine and Petroleum Geology, 80, 382-393.
  • BISDOM, K., NICK, H.M. and BERTOTTI, G. 2017. An integrated workflow for stress and flow modeling using outcrop-derived discrete fracture networks. Computer and Geosciences, 103, 21-35 
  • GOUIZA, M., BERTOTTI, G., ANDRIESSEN, P. in press. Mesozoic and Cenozoic thermal history of the western Reguibat Shield (West African Craton). Terra Nova
  • EGYA, D.O., GEIGER, S., CORBETT, P., MARCH, R., BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G., BEZERRA, F.H. in press. Geological well testing in fractured formations – exploration of the dual porosity response. Petroleum Geoscience.  
  • BERTOTTI, G., de GRAAF, S., BISDOM, S., OSKAM, B., VONHOF, H., BEZERRA, F.H., REIJMER, J. and CAZARIN, C. Fracturing and fluid flow during post-rift subsidence in carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, Basin Research 1–18, doi: 10.1111/bre.12246


  • BERTOTTI, G., de GRAAF, S., BISDOM, S., OSKAM, B., VONHOF, H., BEZERRA, F.H., REIJMER, J. and CAZARIN, C. Fracturing and fluid flow during post-rift subsidence in carbonates of the Jandaíra Formation, Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, Basin Research submitted
  • ENGLISH, K., REDFERN, J., BERTOTTI, G., ENGLISH, J., CHERIF, R.Y. 2016. Intraplate uplift: new constraints on the Hoggar dome from the Illizi basin (Algeria). Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12182
  • de GRAAF, S., BERTOTTI, G., REIJMER, J.J.G., BEZERRA, F.H., CAZARIN, C., BISDOM, K., VONHOF, H.B. Fracture-controlled fluid circulation and calcite vein cementation during early burial in shallow water carbonates (Jandaíra Formation, northeast Brazil), in press
  • COSTA DE MELO, A., LOPES de CASTRO, D., BEZERRA, F.H., BERTOTTI, G., Rift fault geometry and evolution in the Cretaceous Potiguar Basin (NE Brazil) based on fault growth models. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 71, 96-107
  • GOUIZA, M., CHARTON, R., BERTOTTI, G., ANDRIESSEN, P.A.M. and STORMS, J.E.A. Post-Variscan evolution of the Anti-Atlas belt of Morocco constrained from low-temperature geochronology. International Journal Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-016-1325-0
  • ENGLISH, K., REDFERN, J., BERTOTTI, G., ENGLISH, J., CHERIF, R.Y. 2016. Intraplate uplift: new constraints on the Hoggar dome from the Illizi basin (Algeria). Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12182
  • BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H.. The impact of different aperture distributions and critical stress criteria on equivalent permeability in complex fracture networks. J. Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 121 (5), 4045-4063.
  • BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H. The impact of in-situ stress and fracture geometry on hydraulic aperture and upscaled permeability in carbonate rocks: inferences from outcropping pavements. Tectonophysics, s 690 (2016) 63–75
  • BISDOM, K., BERTOTTI, G. and NICK, H. A geometrically-based method for predicting stress-induced fracture aperture and flow in Discrete Fracture Networks. AAPG Bulletin 100 (7), 1075-1097.


  • KLEIPOOL, L., REIJMER, J.J.G., HARDEBOL, N.J., BERTOTTI, G., AURELL, M. and BADENAS, B. Fracture distribution along an Upper Jurassic carbonate ramp, NE Spain. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 70, 201-221.
  • HARDEBOL, N.J., MAIER, C., NICK, H., GEIGER, S., BERTOTTI, G. and BORO, H. in press. Multi-scale fracture network characterization and impact on flow: a case study on the Latemar carbonate platform. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 8197–8222, doi:10.1002/2015JB011879.


  • PEPE, F., BERTOTTI, G., FERRANTI, L., SACCHI, M., COLLURA A.-M., PASSARO, S. and SULLI, A. 2014. Pattern and rate of post-20ka vertical tectonic motion around the Capo Vaticano promontory (W Calabria, Italy) based on offshore geomorphological indicators. Quaternary International, 332, 85-98.
  • GOUIZA, M., HALL, J. and BERTOTTI, G. 2014. Rifting and pre-rift lithosphere variability in the Orphan Basin, Newfoundland margin, Eastern Canada. Basin Research, 26, 1-20.
  • BISDOM, K., GAUTHIER, B.D.M., BERTOTTI, G. and HARDEBOL, N.J. 2014. Calibrating discrete fracture-network models with a carbonate three-dimensional outcrop fracture network: Implications for naturally fractured reservoir modeling. AAPG Bulletin, 98, 1351-1376
  • BORO, H., ROSERO, E. and BERTOTTI, G. 2014. Fracture network analysis of the Latemar platform (northern Italy): Integrating outcrop studies to constrain the hydraulic properties of fractures in reservoir models. Petroleum Geoscience, 20, 79-92. doi: 10.1144/petgeo2013-007


  • AGAR, S., GEIGER, S., LEONIDE, P., LAMARCHE, J., NEILSON, J., GOSSELIN, O., PYRAK-NOLTE, L., JACKSON, M., KENTER, J., BERTOTTI, G., JONES, G., WHITAKER, F., HAMPSON, G. and MATTHAI, S. 2013. Summary of the AAPG-Society of Petroleum Engineers – Society of Exploration Geophysicists Hedberg Research Conference on “Fundamental Controls on Flow in Carbonates”. American Association of Petroleum Geologists Bulletin, 97/4, 553-552.
  • ÖZSAYIN, E., ÇINER, A., ROJAY, B., DIRIK, K., MELNICK, D., FERNANDEZ-BLANCO, D., BERTOTTI, G., SCHILDGEN, T., GARCIN, Y., STRECKER. M.R., SUDO, M. accepted. Plio-Quaternary extensional tectonics of the Central Anatolia Plateau: A case study from the Tuz Golu Basin, Turkey. Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences.
  • STRIJKER, G., BEEKMAN, W.W.W., BERTOTTI, G. and LUTHI, S.M. submitted. FEM analysis of deformation localization mechanisms in a 3D fractured medium under rotating compressive stress conditions. Tectonophysics. 593, 95-110.
  • FERNANDEZ-BLANCO, D., BERTOTTI, G. and CINER, A. accepted. Cenozoic tectonics in Central Anatolia, Turkey: A 3D evolution model for the Tüz Gölü Basin and surroundings
  • HARDEBOL, G. and BERTOTTI, G. 2013. DigiFract: a software and data model implementation for flexible acquisition and processing of fracture data from outcrops. Computer and Geosciences, 54, 326-336.
  • BORO, H., BERTOTTI, G., and HARDEBOL, N. 2013. Low-strain distributed fracturing affecting the Latemar atoll-like platform (N Italy). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 40, 69-84.


  • STRIJKER, G., BERTOTTI, G. and S.M. LUTHI. 2012. Multi-scale fracture network analysis from an outcrop analog: a case study from the Cambro-Ordovician succession in Petra, Jordan. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 38, 104-116.
  • BERTOTTI, G. and GOUIZA, M. 2012. Post-rift vertical movements and horizontal deformations in the eastern margin of the Central Atlantic: The Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous evolution of Morocco. International Journal of Earth Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00531-012-0773-4.


  • DUPRÉ, S., CLOETINGH, S. and BERTOTTI, G. (2011). Structure of the Gabon margin from integrated seismic reflection and gravity data. Tectonophysics, 506, 31-45.


  • GOUIZA, M., BERTOTTI, G. and HAFID, M. 2010. The tectonic evolution of the passive margin of Morocco along a transect from the Atlantic ocean to the Anti-Atlas. Tectonics, doi:10.1029/2009TC002464
  • PEPE, F., SULLI, A., BERTOTTI, G. and CELLA, F. 2010. The West Calabria passive continental margin. Implications for the evolution of the Tyrrhenian back-arc basin. Tectonics, 29, TC3007, doi: 10.1029/2009TC002599

Dr. Ole John Nielsen

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences

Ole John Nielsen (OJ) is a professor of atmospheric chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. Besides being an expert on air pollution and climate change he is interested in leadership, coaching, training (basketball), networking, sustainability, gender equality. He has more than 40 years of experience in natural science research and education. OJ has previously been employed at Risø National Laboratory and Ford Motor Company. He has experience as a board member of foundations and as a member of numerous evaluation committees, advisory boards and funding panels.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D. University of Copenhagen (Atmospheric Chemistry) 1984
  • M.S. University of Copenhagen (Spectroscopy) 1978

Research Interests

  • Climate Change
  • Atmospheric chemistry and hence environmental impact of CFC replacement compounds and of oxygenated species.
  • Fundamental kinetics and mechanisms of reactions important in atmospheric and combustion chemistry.
  • Determination of the environmental impact of anthropogenic and natural emissions – out-door as well as in-door chemistry
  • Atmospheric particulates.
  • Air pollution chemistry.

Selected Publications

Extended Publications (+)

Awards & Honors

  • Receiver of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize as an IPCC lead author.
  • Receiver of the 2006 Danish Academic Union research price.
  • Receiver of the 1996 Henry Ford Technology Award.
  • Member of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters since 2008.
  • Member of the Danish Natural Science Research Council, 1998-2005.
  • Member of the Danish National Committee for IGBP
  • Member of the Danish National Committee for Climate Research
  • Member of the Danish Academy of Technical Sciences (ATV)
  • Danish member of the International Executive Committee for EUROTRAC (1988-1995)
  • Appointed adjunct professor in chemistry at Roskilde University (1997-2002)
  • Head of Copenhagen Global Change Initiative network and PhD-board (1999-2008)
  • Reviewer for NATO, EU, various National and International Sci. Foundations
  • Referee for J.Phys.Chem., Int.J.Chem.Kinet., Chem.Phys.Lett., ES&T, Nature.
  • Member of Editorial Advisory Board of the Int.J.Chem.Kinet. (1994-1997).
  • Member of the NASA expert group on CFCs, Halons and related species (1991-1993)
  • Board member of the Collstrup Foundation (2007-2019)
  • Board member of the Carlsberg Memory Stipend Foundation (2011-2018)
  • IPCC: Lead Author of a chapter in an IPCC Special Report (2003-2005)
  • 252 Peer-reviewed publications, 37 conference abstracts, 15 book chapters, 27 reports, 31 popular writings, +6700 citations and an H-index of 42.
  • Supervised 90 students and gives approx 30 presentations per year.

Dr. Roy Sidle

Adjunct Professor, Department of Geosciences

Professor Roy Sidle’s research focuses on bio-geophysical aspects of sustainability, including natural hazards, catchment hydrology and management, and interactions between socioeconomic pressures and responses and ecosystem processes. Specifically, he has been working on issues of environmental effects of land cover change, erosion processes exacerbated by mountain road building and grazing, coastal and mountain hazards – both water and sediment-related, cumulative effects of land use on water supply and sediment, and fundamental research on water movement in mountain catchments.

His research connections and collaborations with Japan, particularly at the Disaster Prevention Research Institute of Kyoto University and Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, as well as with INRA (France) and National University of Colombia – Medellin, KFUPM, and JICA have contributed to studies that will help to improve disaster preparedness and resilience as well as promote a better understanding of ecosystem processes that perpetuate these disasters.

Professor Sidle’s research on catchment hydrology and management directly relates to this natural hazard agenda as it provides the geomorphic and hydrologic setting in which these hazards occur. As such, understanding the fundamental processes of water and sediment movement and storage in catchments is key to better estimating the extent of flood, cyclone, chronic erosion, and landslide disasters. These topics provide the geophysical foundation for comprehensive sustainability studies. Current research in Australia is supported by CSIRO (runoff and erosion in the Burdekin catchment) and SEQ Water (landslide studies).

He has collaborated across a broad range of disciplines including socio-economists, engineers, aquatic biologists, environmental modellers, geotechnical experts, and agriculture and forestry specialists. His interests in sustainability issues in developing nations of Southeast and East Asia where rapid land use change and shifting demographics are occurring are of particular relevance to the University of the Sunshine Coast’s Sustainability Research Centre.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University (Soil Science/Forest Hydrology, Civil Engineering minor)
  • M.S., University of Arizona (Soil Science/Water Quality)
  • B.S., University of Arizona (Hydrology)

Research Interests

  • Environmental science
  • Natural hazards
  • Catchment hydrology/management
  • Sustainable development
  • Environmental change
  • Landslide processes, prediction, and land use effects
  • Hydrogeomorphic process controlling sediment and nutrient dynamics
  • Integration of biophysical processes with socioeconomic issues
  • Fate and transport of contaminants
  • Hydrological modeling
  • Cumulative effects of land use on water quality and erosion processes

Selected Publications

A. Books (fully written):

  1. R.C. Sidle, A.J. Pearce, and C.L. O’Loughlin. 1985. Hillslope Stability and Land Use. Am. Geophysical Union, Water Resources Monograph No. 11, Washington, D.C., 140 p.
  2. R.C. Sidle and H. Ochiai. 2006. Landslides: Processes, Prediction, and Land Use. Am. Geophysical Union, Water Resources Monograph No. 18, Washington, D.C., 312 p.

B. Books (edited texts)

  1. R. Herrmann, R.C. Sidle, W. Back, and A.I. Johnson (editors). 1995. Water Resources and Environmental Hazards: Emphasis on Hydrologic and Cultural Insight in the Pacific Rim, Am. Water Resour. Assoc. Proc., AWRA, Herndon, Virginia, 496 p.
  2. R.C. Sidle (editor). 2002. Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests, IUFRO Research Series, No. 9, CAB International Publishing, Oxen, UK, 241 p.
  3. R.C. Sidle, M. Tani, Abdul Rahim N., and Tewodros Ayele T. (editors). 2004. Forests and Water in Warm, Humid Asia. Proceedings of a IUFRO Forest Hydrology Workshop, 10-12 July 2004, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Disaster Prevention Research Institute, Uji, Japan, 274 p.

C. Refereed Scientific Journals:

  1. R.C. Sidle and G.V. Johnson. 1972. Evaluation of a turfgrass-soil system to utilize and purify municipal waste water. Hydrology and Water Resources in Arizona and Southwest 2: 277-289.
  2. R.C. Sidle, J.E. Hook, and L.T. Kardos. 1976. Heavy metals application and plant uptake in a land disposal system for waste water. J. Environ. Qual. 5: 97-102.
  3. R.C. Sidle and W.E. Sopper. 1976. Cadmium distribution in forest ecosystems irrigated with treated municipal wastewater and sludge. J. Environ. Qual. 5: 419-422.
  4. R.C. Sidle, J.E. Hook, and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Accumulation of heavy metals in soils from extended wastewater irrigation. J. Water Poll. Control Fed. 49: 311-318.
  5. R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Adsorption of copper, zinc, and cadmium by a forest soil. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 313- 317.
  6. R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Transport of heavy metals in a sludge-treated forested area. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 431-437.
  7. R.C. Sidle, L.T. Kardos, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 1977. Heavy metals transport model in a sludge-treated soil. J. Environ. Qual. 6: 438-443.
  8. R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1977. Aqueous release of heavy metals from two sewage sludges. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 8: 453-459.
  9. R.C. Sidle and L.T. Kardos. 1979. Nitrate leaching in a sludge-treated forest soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 43: 278- 282.
  10. R.C. Sidle, W.L. Stout, J.L. Hern, and O.L. Bennett. 1979. Solute movement from fluidized bed combustion waste in acid soil and mine spoil columns. J. Environ. Qual. 8: 236-241.
  11. W.L. Stout, R.C. Sidle, J.L. Hern, and O.L. Bennett. 1979. Effects of fluidized bed combustion waste on the Ca, Mg, S, and Zn levels in red clover, tall fescue, oats, and buckwheat. Agronomy J. 71: 662-665.
  12. R.C. Sidle and D.M. Drlica. 1981. Soil compaction from logging with a low-ground pressure skidder in the Oregon Coast Ranges. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 45: 1219-1224.
  13. R.C. Sidle and D.N. Swanston. 1982. Analysis of a small debris slide in coastal Alaska. Can. Geotech. J. 19(2): 167-174.
  14. R.C. Sidle and C.G. Shaw III. 1983. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clearcut. I. nutrient status. Can. J. For. Res. 13: 1-8.
  15. C.G. Shaw III and R.C. Sidle. 1983. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clearcut. II. available inoculum of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Cenococcum geophilum. Can. J. For. Res. 13: 9-11.
  16. A.J. Campbell and R.C. Sidle. 1984. Prediction of peak flows on small watersheds in Oregon for use in culvert design. Water Resour. Bull. 20(1): 9-14.
  17. R.C. Sidle. 1984. Shallow groundwater fluctuations in unstable hillslopes of coastal Alaska. Z. für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie 20(2): 79-95.
  18. H.A. Menser and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Effect of zinc levels on phosphorous and zinc content in sand-cultured soybeans. J. Plant Nutrition 8(1): 89-97.
  19. H.R. Holbo, E.L. Miller, and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Scanning recording system for multiple capacitive water-depth transducers. J. Hydrology 79: 311-318.
  20. A.J. Campbell and R.C. Sidle. 1985. Bedload transport in a pool-riffle sequence of a coastal Alaska Stream. Water Resour. Bull. 21(4): 579-590.
  21. R.C. Sidle and A.J. Campbell. 1985. Patterns of suspended sediment transport in a coastal Alaska stream. Water Resour. Bull. 21(6): 909-917.
  22. R.C. Sidle and T.H. Laurent. 1986. Site damage from mechanized thinning in southeast Alaska. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 3(3): 94-97.
  23. P.W. Adams and R.C. Sidle. 1987. Soil conditions in three recent landslides in southeast Alaska. Forest Ecology and Management 18: 93-102.
  24. C.G. Shaw III, R.C. Sidle, and A.S. Harris. 1987. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clear-cut. III. performance of ectomycorrhizal Sitka spruce seedlings three years after outplanting. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 335-339.
  25. R.C. Sidle and C.G. Shaw III. 1987. Evaluation of planting sites common to a southeast Alaska clear-cut. IV. nutrient levels in ectomycorrhizal Sitka spruce seedlings. Can. J. For. Res. 17: 340-345.
  26. J.L. Hern, H.A. Menser, R.C. Sidle, and T.E. Staley. 1988. Effect of surface-applied lime and EDTA on subsoil acidity and aluminum. Soil Science 145(1): 52-57.
  27. R.C. Sidle. 1988. Bedload transport regime of a small forest stream. Water Resour. Res. 24: 207-218.
  28. E.M. Loopstra, C.G. Shaw III, and R.C. Sidle. 1988. Ectomycorrhizal inoculation fails to improve performance of Sitka spruce seedlings outplanted on clear-cut sites in southeast Alaska. Western Journal of Applied Forestry 3: 110-112.
  29. J.R. Noel and R.C. Sidle. 1989. A program to calculate channel scour and fill. Water Resour. Bull. 25: 733-741.
  30. R.C. Sidle and A.M. Milner. 1989. Stream development in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska, U.S.A. Arctic and Alpine Res. 21(4): 350-363.

D. Institutional Publications:

  1. R.C. Sidle. 1976. Transport of Heavy Metals in a Sludge-Treated Forested Area. University Park, PA, The Pennsylvania State University; 135p. Dissertation.
  2. R.C. Sidle. 1980. Impacts of Forest Practices on Surface Erosion. Pacific Northwest Extension Publ. PNW-195, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 15 p.
  3. R.C. Sidle. 1980. Slope Stability on Forest Land. Pac. N.W. Ext. Publ. PNW-209. 23 p.
  4. K.R. Larson and R.C. Sidle. 1980. Erosion and Sedimentation Catalog of the Pacific Northwest. U.S. Forest Service, R-6, Publ. R6-WM-050-1981, Portland, OR. 64 p.
  5. A.J. Campbell, R.C. Sidle, and H.A. Froehlich. 1982. Prediction of Peak Flows for Culvert Design on Small Watersheds in Oregon. Water Resour. Res. Inst.-74, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis. 96 p.
  6. R.C. Sidle. 1983. Factors Affecting Landslides. Am. Philosophical Soc. Yearbook: 122-123.
  7. P.W. Adams, A.J. Campbell, R.C. Sidle, R.L. Beschta, and H.A. Froehlich. 1986. Estimating Streamflows on Small Forested Watersheds for Culvert and Bridge Design in Oregon. Forest Res. Lab. Res. Bull. 55, 8 p., Oregon State Univ., Corvallis.
  8. R.C. Sidle, J.W. Hornbeck, and R.R. Ziemer. 1989. Water Quality: Cumulative Effects From Forests and Rangelands, A Priority Research Program, USDA For. Serv., FER, Wash., DC. 18p.
  9. B.D. Williams, R.W. Brown, R.C. Sidle, and W.F. Mueggler. 1990. Greenhouse evaluation of reclamation treatments for perlite-pumice spoils. USDA Forest Serv. Res. Pap. INT-426, Ogden, UT, 7p.
  10. C. Knudsen, K.E. Klint, P.R. Jakobsen, K. Klitten, R. Sidle, and A. Krogsbøll. 1995. The Copenhagen Minimetro – Evaluation of Drillcore Analysis, Georadar, and Acoustic Televiewer Investigations in Boreholes and Fracture Studies in Limestone. DGU Serv. Rep.#37, Geol. Survey of Denmark, Copenhagen (confidential).
  11. V. Ernstsen, J. Jensen, S.E. Olesen, and R. Sidle. 1995. Scoping study on establishing a European Topic Centre for Soil. DGU Service Rep. No. 47, Geol. Surv. of Denmark, Copenhagen, 36p.
  12. R.C. Sidle. 2005. Options for appropriate sediment disaster mitigation strategies in Asia. In: International Symposium on Utilization of Disaster Information – Organizing and Sharing Disaster Information in Asian Countries. Japan Soc. of Erosion Control Engineering (JSECE) Publ. No. 44. pp. 51-52, JSCE, Tokyo.
  13. R.C. Sidle. 2006. Dark clouds looming over Shangri-La. Kyoto University, Institute of Sustainability Science, News Letter vol. 2, 2 p.

E. Popular Articles

  1. R.C. Sidle. 2007. Dark clouds over Shangri-La. Opinion article, The Japan Times, March 15, 2007
  2. R.C. Sidle. 2010. Natural Disasters in Asia. Asian Geographic Magazine.
  3. R.C. Sidle. 2011. Taiwan Surprises. Dynasty (Inflight Magazine of China Airlines), Feb. 2011, pp. 76-79

Awards & Honors

  • Distinguished Professor award, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Institute of Global Innovation Research, Fuchu, Tokyo, Japan, 2017 (continuing)
  • Adjunct Professor, Geosciences Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2017 (continuing)
  • Hydrological Sciences Distinguished Lecture, Asian Oceania Geosciences Society, 2017
  • Research Visit Award from Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, Japan, 2016
  • Travel award for visiting researchers, Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan, 2014
  • International Award, Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, Miyazaki, Japan for significant contributions to progress in the field of hydrology and water resources and valuable devotion to collaboration with Japanese and Asian researchers, 2014
  • Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award, US Environmental Protection Agency, for a broad knowledge of environmental and ecosystems research, along with outstanding leadership skills, 2013
  • Superior Accomplishment Recognition Award, US Environmental Protection Agency, for outstanding leadership and scientific guidance during 2011 to support change, productivity, and communications within the Ecosystems Research Division of NERL, 2012
  • Cited in a named award that will be given annually to an Environmental Science student at Appalachian State University – the ‘Roy C. Sidle Award for Excellence in Research’, Appalachian State University, North Carolina, USA, initiated in 2012
  • Elected as ‘Fellow’, American Geophysical Union, 2010
  • Pojar award nomination, Bulkley Valley Research Centre in British Columbia, co-authoring an outstanding a paper related to natural resources and sustainability in ‘Landslides’, 2009
  • Best poster award (co-author), Japan Soc. of Hydrology and Water Resources, 2007
  • Editor’s Citation for Excellence in Manuscript Review award, Journal of Environmental Quality‘ American Society of Agronomy – Soil Science Society of America, 2006
  • Premier’s award, Innovation Finalists, Debris fan research team, British Columbia, Canada, 2005/06
  • Elected to the ‘Wall of Fame’, Pennridge High School, one of the initial six people inducted out of 10,000+ graduates over the past 50 years, 2002
  • Certificate of Merit and cash award, Chief of U.S. Forest Service for outstanding contributions to the Research‑Wide Affirmative Employment Plan, 1991
  • Certificate of Merit and cash award, Chief of U.S. Forest Service for outstanding leadership in developing the national water quality: cumulative effects from forests and rangelands priority research program, 1989
  • Research honorary, Sigma Xi, 1976
  • Agriculture honorary, Gamma Sigma Delta, 1972
Tel: +966 (013) 860-3169
Fax: +966 (013) 860-8595

Location: Bldg. 78, Rm. 1063

Ahmed Abdullah AlShaibani

Instructor, Department of Geosciences

Educational Qualification

  • M.S., in Geophysics , King Fahad University of Petroleum and Minerals, KFUPM.
  • B.S., in Electrical Engineering, Technical Training College, Riyadh (TTC).


  • Training on the use of Controlled Source Electromagnetic Methods by KMS Technologies.
  • Training on the use of Marine Geoelectrical Surveys by IRIS Instruments.
  • Training on the use of the Spectral Induced Polarization acquisition system by Ontash Inc. NJ-US.
  • Training on the use of ZZ Resistivity 96 ERT system by ZZ technologies.
  • Training on the use of Ground Penetration Radar by GSSI Inc.
  • Training on the acquisition of seismic data using the SMART SOLO system
  • Training on the use of Trimble R10+ Differential GPS

Research Interests

  • DAS technology.
  • Geophysical Well logging.
  • Geophysical Physical modeling and experimental designing.  
  • Near-Surface Geophysics
  • Seismology

Selected Publications

  • Ashadi, A.L.; Martinez, Y.; Kirmizakis, P.; Hanstein, T.; Xu, X.; Khogali, A.; Paembonan, A.Y.; AlShaibani, A.; Al‐Karnos, A.; Smirnov, M.; Strack, K.; Soupios, P., 2022, First High‐Power CSEM Field Test in Saudi Arabia. Minerals 2022, 12, 1236. https://doi.org/10.3390/min12101236
  • Hanafy, S. M., N. A. Al-Omari, and A. AlShaibani, 2022. Field land-streamer vs. conventional seismic data: Advantages and disadvantages. 34th Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, SAGEEP 2022, Denver, CO. USA, vol. 27, p. 47, https://fasttimesonline.co/sageep-22-abstracts/
  • Alnaser, N.S., A. Almogren, A. Almatroudi, A. Almashajrah, S. Almashajrah, A. Alkhunaizi, A.N. Alhaddad, A.A. Shaibani, A. Ashadi, S. Hanafy, P. Soupios, 2022. Conventional vs. Land-streamer Near-surface Seismic Acquisition in the Northern Part of Al-Hasa, East Province, Saudi Arabia. IPTC – 2022, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Alnaser, N.S., A. Almogren, A. Almatroudi, A. Almashajrah, S. Almashajrah, A. Alkhunaizi, A. Alhaddad, A. A. Shaibani, A. L. Ashadi, S. Hanafy, and P. Soupios, 2022. Geophysical survey using the gravity and magnetic methods in the northern part of Al-Hasa, East Province, Saudi Arabia. IPTC – 2022, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  • Alnaser, N., A. Almogren, A. Almatroudi, A. Almashajrah, S. Almashajrah, A. Alkhunaizi, A. Alhaddad, A. A. Shaibani, A. Ashadi, S. M. Hanafy, P. Soupios, A. Stampolidis, 2021. Application of conventional seismic, electrical resistivity, and gravity methods in the northern part of Al-Hasa, East Province, Saudi Arabia. Sixth International Conference on Engineering Geophysics (ICEG), 25 – 28 Oct 2021, Virtual Conference.

Awards & Honors

  • Award for Excellence in Electrical Engineering Technology presented by Algonquin College Jazan (ACJ).
  • Staff Annual Award, CPG-KFUPM  2023
  • Long Service Award, CPG-KFUPM 2023
Tel: + 966 (013) 860-5878

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 1247

Mansour A. Alkhardawi

Graduate Assistant, Department of Geosciences

Mansour Alkhardawi is a Graduate Assistant in the Department of Geosciences. He graduated from KFUPM in 2024, and he rejoined KFUPM in the same year as a graduate assistant.

Educational Qualification

  • B.S., Geophysics, KFUPM, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 2024.

Research Interests

  • Full Wavefield Inversion (FWI)
  • Joint Inversion
  • Geophysical Methods
Tel: +966 (013) 860-5829

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 2138

Osama A. Aziz

Instructor, Department of Geosciences

Educational Qualification

  • Master of Science in Geology | 2023 | King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia
  • Bachelor of Science in Petroleum Geology | 2021 | Alexandria University, Egypt

Research Interests

  • Digital outcrop modelling (DOM)
  • Reservoir Characterization
  • Seismic sequence stratigraphic
  • Sedimentology
  • Reservoir modelling and heterogeneity

Selected Publications

  • Osama A. Aziz, Korhan Ayranci, Ammar El-Husseiny, Dicky Harishidayat, Sherif Hanafy, Eduardo Gramajo, Rached M. Rached. Reservoir characterization of the lower Silurian Qalibah Formation using high-resolution 3D outcrop modelling
  • Ayranci, T. Finkbeiner, M. Osman, A. J. Abdlmutalib, E. Gramajo, R.M. Rached, M. Salva Ramirez, and O. A. Aziz. Integration of Sedimentological and Ichnological Analysis in the Silurian Qalibah Formation, Qasim Region, Saudi Arabia
  • Dicky Harishidayat, Sherif Farouk, Mohamed Abioui and Osama Ahmed Aziz. Subsurface Fluid Flow Feature as Hydrocarbon Indicator in the Alamein Basin, Onshore Egypt; Seismic Attribute Perspective

Awards & Honors

  • Imperial Barrel Award (IBA) 2023 1st Place Winner worldwide
  • SEG challenge bowl second place in the Middle East
Tel: +966 (013) 860-1494
Fax: +966 (013) 860-2595

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 2237

Adnan Al-Mubarak

Computer Engineer, Department of Geosciences

Received B.Sc. degree in computer engineering from KFUPM. Shortly after graduation, he was recruited by the same university as a full-time employee in 2001. possesses a strong background in design and application management combined with knowledge as a system analyst, engineer and software developer. He studied M.S. In Geophysics and worked with many research projects in geology and geophysics.

Educational Qualification

  • B.Sc., Computer Engineering, KFUPM, KSA, 2001.
  • M.S. In Geophysics, KFUPM, KSA, 2013 (pending Thesis defense)

Selected Publications

  • Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullah A. Alshuhail, Yehia A. Khulief, Septriandi A. Chan, Abdul Latif Ashadi, Ayman F. Al-Lehyani, Adnan M. Almubarak, Mohammed Zia Ullah Khan, Sikandar Khan, Salem G. AlJuhani and Khalid A. Abdulrahman, “KFUPM Ghawar Digital Viscoelastic Seismic Model”, Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2019) 12:245, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12517-019-4390-4
  • Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail, Abdullah A. Alshuhail, Yehia A. Khulief, Oluseun A. Sanuade, Ayman F. Al-Lehyani, Septriandi A. Chan, Abdul Latif Ashadi, Mohammed Zia Ullah Khan, Sikandar Khan, Adnan M. Almubarak, Salem G. AlJuhani and Syed Abdul Salam, “Digital viscoelastic seismic models and data sets of central Saudi Arabia in the presence of near-surface karst features”, Journal of Seismic Exploration (2018), Accepted on February 1, 2019
  • Murtada Saleh Aljawada, Hamzah Aboluhoma, Mateus Palharini Schwalbertb, Adnan Al-Mubarak, Saad Alafnana, Mohamed Mahmouda, ”Temperature impact on linear and radial wormhole propagation in limestone, dolomite, and mixed mineralogy” Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering(2021), Accepted 23 May 2021, Available online 27 May 2021, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1875510021002377
Tel: +966 (013) 860-2388
Fax: +966 (013) 860-2595

Location: Bldg. 76, Rm. 2245

Elias Arif

Admin Assistant, Department of Geosciences

Arif joined KFUPM as an administrative assistant on Feb. 2009.

Educational Qualification

  • BS, Arts & Social Sciences, Kashmir University, Kashmir, 2007
  • Post-Graduate Diploma, Computer Sciences, National Institute of Electronics  & Information Technology, 2008