+ 966 (013) 860-5843
+ 966 (013) 860-2595
Bldg. 76, Rm. 2119
Dr. Basem Zoheir
Professor, Department of Geosciences
Professor Basem Zoheir has been a renowned expert in the field of Mineralogy and Economic Geology since 2015. As a professor at Benha University (Egypt), Kiel University (CAU, Germany), and KFUPM (Saudi Arabia), his work spans various continents and reputable institutions. His journey in academia and research is marked by numerous scholarships, fellowships, and funding from different international foundations. Dr. Zoheir has contributed extensively to the field through publications, research, and editorial roles in leading geoscience journals. Additionally, he has extensive consulting experience in the mining industry, focusing on mineral exploration and resource evaluation.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D., ‘magna cum laude 1.0’ in Natural and Environmental Sciences (Munich University, LMU, Germany)
- M.S., (hons.) Mineralogy and Ore Geology (Ain Shams University, Egypt)
- B.S., (hons.) Geology (Benha University, Egypt)
Research Interests
- Mineralogy, petrology, economic geology, mineral exploration
- Geological mapping, structural geology, remote sensing, microanalysis of ore and silicate minerals, fluid inclusions micro-thermometry and Raman spectroscopy, geochemistry, stable isotopes, and geochronology of hard rocks and mineral deposits
- Metallogeny of orogenic belts, i.e., precious/base metals, rare metal-bearing granites, and pegmatites
Selected Publications
- Zoheir, B., Holzheid, A., Diab, A., Ragab, A., Deshesh, F., Abdelnasser, A., 2024. Recycling of Au during Serpentinization of Ultramafic Rocks: A Case Study from Neoproterozoic Forearc Ophiolites, Egypt. Minerals, 14 (9). doi:10.3390/min14090916
- Zoheir, B., Lohmeier, S., Tang, Y., Martin, A., 2024. Geochemical and geochronological studies of the Um Samiuki deposit (Eastern Desert, Egypt): Metal mobilization in a stratabound massive sulfide ore. Ore Geology Reviews, 166, 105967
- Zoheir, B., Holzheid, A., Zeh, A., McAlaar, R., El-Behairy, M., Schwarz-Schampera, U., Graupner, T., Lentz, D., Xiong, F., 2022. The Sukari gold deposit, Egypt: Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the ore genesis and implications for regional exploration. Economic Geology, doi:10.5382/econgeo.4990; 26 p.
- Zoheir, B., McAlaar, R., Steele-McInnis, M., Zeh, A., Bain, W., Poulette, S., 2022. Vein-type gold formation during late extensional collapse of the Eastern Desert, Egypt: The Gidami deposit. Mineralium Deposita. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00126-022-01152-w
- Xiong, F., Zoheir, B., Robinson, P.T., Wirth, R., Xu, X., Qiu, T., Sun, Y., 2022. Microchemistry and magnesium isotope composition of the Purang ophiolitic chromitites (SW Tibet): New genetic inferences. American Mineralogist. DOI 10.2138/am-2022-8392
- Zoheir, B., Diab, A., Koutsovitis, P., Abu Alam, T., Feigenson, M., El-Bialy, M., Abdelnasser, A., 2022. Mantle source heterogeneity in a Neoproterozoic back-arc basin: Geochemical and thermodynamic modeling of the volcanic section of Wadi Ghadir ophiolite, Egypt. Precambrian Research 368, 106480.
Extended Publications (+)
- Zoheir, B., Abd El-Rahman, Y., Kusky, T., Xiong, F., 2022. New SIMS zircon U-Pb ages and oxygen isotope data for ophiolite nappes in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: Implications for Gondwana assembly. Gondwana Research 105, 450-467.
- Zoheir, B., Zeh, A., El-Bialy, M., Ragab, A., Deshesh, F., Steele-MacInnis, M., 2021. Hybrid granite magmatism during orogenic collapse in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: Inferences from whole-rock geochemistry and zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopes. Precambrian Research 354, 106044.
- Lehmann, B., Zoheir, B., Neymark, L., Zeh, A., Emam, A., Radwan, A., Zhang, R., Moscati, R., 2020. Monazite and cassiterite U-Pb dating of the Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Egypt: Late Cryogenian metalliferous granite magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield. Gondwana Research 84, 71-80.
- Zoheir, B., Lehmann, B., Emam, A., Radwan, A., Zhang, R., Bain, W.M., Steele-MacInnis, M., Nolte, N., 2020. Extreme fractionation and magmatic–hydrothermal transition in the formation of Abu Dabbab rare-metal granite, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Lithos DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2019.105329
- Li, X., Klyukin, Y., Steele-MacInnis, M., Fan, HR., Yang, KF., Zoheir, B., 2020. Phase equilibria, thermodynamic properties, and solubility of quartz in saline-aqueous-carbonic fluids: Application to orogenic and intrusion-related gold deposits. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 283, 201-221.
- Zoheir, B., Abd El-Wahed, M., Pour, A.B., Abdelnasser, A., 2019. Orogenic Gold in Transpression and Transtension Zones: Field and Remote Sensing Studies of the Barramiya–Mueilha Sector, Egypt. Remote Sensing 11(18), 2122; https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11182122.
- Zoheir, B., Goldfarb, R., Holzheid, A., Helmy, H., El Sheikh, A., 2019. Geochemical and geochronological characteristics of the Um Rus granite intrusion and associated gold deposit, Eastern Desert, Egypt. Geoscience Frontiers, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gsf.2019.04.012
- Zoheir, B., Johnson, P.J., Goldfarb, R.J., Klemm, D.D., 2019. Orogenic gold in the Egyptian Eastern Desert: Widespread gold mineralization in the late stages of Neoproterozoic orogeny. Gondwana Research 75, 184-217
Awards & Honors
- Associate editor of Ore Geology Reviews (Elsevier), Geochemistry (Elsevier), and guest editor for Remote Sensing (MDPI), Minerals (MDPI), Lithos (Elsevier)
- Consultancy services to: Altus Strategies Plc., Afaq Mining Co., Red Sea Resources, Lotus Gold, Meamari Group, Mineral Research and Exploration (MTA) General Directorate-Ankara, Saudi Geological Survey (Jeddah).