Mutasim Sami Osman
Lecturer, Department of Geosciences
From Sept. 2015 till the present day, Mutasim has been lecturing on Geosciences at CPG, KFUPM. teaching Principles of Geology Lab and Structural Geology Course as well as participating in the Field Geology Course. Between Jun. 2014-15 he was a Research Assistant and had participated in several projects in sedimentology, stratigraphy and digital modeling, geological field investigation, stratigraphic concepts, core description, porosity, and permeability measurements, SEM, XRD analysis and “acquisition, processing, and interpretation of LiDAR data”.
Educational Qualification
- M.Sc., Geology, KFUPM, KSA, 2014.
- Diploma, Computer Applications, Aldanga, Sudan. 2010.
- B.S. (Hons.), Petroleum Geology, University of Khartoum, Sudan, 2009.
Research Interests
Although all Earth Sciences related research are capturing my interest, some are more closely to my heart those are, in random order:
Sedimentology, Structural Geology and Geomechanics, Digital Outcrop Modelling and GIS Applications in Geology.
Selected Publications
- M.S. Osman and J. Cline, 2020: Advances in the Digital Outcrop Modeling Software and Workflow: Examples and Lessons from Outcrops: Saudi Arabia. Conference Proceedings, First EAGE Digitalization Conference and Exhibition, Nov 2020, Volume 2020, p.1 – 5 DOI: https://doi.org/10.3997/2214-4609.202032093.
- Osman, M., and O. Abdullatif. “Reservoir Heterogeneity and Quality of the Lower to Middle Paleozoic Formations; Outcrop Analogue, Saudi Arabia” 81st EAGE Conference and Exhibition 2019 (2019), Extended Abstract (DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201901467).
- O.M. Abdullatif, M.S. Osman, M.A. Yassin, 2019: Digital Outcrop Analog Reservoir Model of the Miocene Turbidite Sandstones, Midyan Area, Red Sea Region, Saudi Arabia. SPE -195002-MS.
- Mohamed A. Yassin, Osman M. Abdullatif, Mohammad H. Makkawi, Ibrahim M. Yousif, and Mutasim S. Osman, 2019: Characterization and Modeling of the Geo-Body Geometries and the Reservoir Properties: An Outcrop Analog Study of Jurassic Carbonate Reservoirs in Central Saudi Arabia. SPE-194697-MS.
- Mutasim Osman, Osman Abdullatif, Mazin Bashri and Jarrah Babikr, 2018: Geological Outcrop Modeling of the Minjur and Marrat Formations, Integration of Sedimentology and Lidar Data, central Saudi Arabia. Chapter 8 In book: Lower Triassic to Middle Jurassic Sequence of the Arabian Plate Publisher: EAGE.
- Osman M., Abdullatif O. and Alfarhan M., 2017: Workflow of Integration of Digital Outcrop Modeling and Sedimentology of the Early Triassic Upper Khartam Member of Khuff Formation, Central Saudi Arabia. Arab J Geosci 10:297.
- Hassan A. Eltom, Osman M. Abdullatif, Lameed O. Babalola, Mazin A. Bashari, Mohamed Yassin, Mutasim S. Osman, Asaad M. Abdulraziq, 2017: Integration of facies architecture, ooid granulometry and morphology for prediction of reservoir quality, Lower Triassic Khuff Formation, Saudi Arabia. Petroleum Geoscience, doi:10.1144/petgeo2015-071.
- Eltom, H.A., Abdullatif, O.M., Babalola, L.O., Bashari, M.A., Yassin, M., Osman, M.S., Abdulraziq, A.M., 2016: Geochemical characterization of the permian-triassic transition at outcrop, central Saudi Arabia. Journal of Petroleum Geology, V. 39 (1), P. 95-113