+966 (013) 860-8453
+966 (013) 860-8663
Bldg. 76, Rm. 1211
Eng. Ahmed H. Mahmoud
Senior IT Specialist III, Laboratory Technical Support & Services
Before hired by CPG, KFUPM as an IT Specialist, Eng. Ahmed had spent good years of his professional life in the employ of reputable communications outfits like Convergent Technology Est., Axizo Co. and Paltel Co. He sustained his career path by being a Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) and receiving intensive courses on Low Current Systems and Android Applications Development Toolkits. In addition, he holds memberships with Jordan Engineers Association, Palestine Engineers Association, and Engineers without Borders Association.
Secondary Email: av-cpg@kfupm.edu.sa
Educational Qualification
- BS, Communication Engineering and Technology (CET), Engineering College, PTUK, Palestine.