+966 (013) 860-8359
+966 (013) 860-4447
Bldg.76, Rm. 2211
Dr. Bashirul Haq
Associate Professor, Department of Petroleum Engineering
Dr. Haq is employed as an Assistant Professor at The Department of Petroleum Engineering. His association with the University began in 2008 when he took on a part-time Lecturers role and this was in place for 3 years.
Dr. Haq has spent a number of years working in Australia and this involved being an Associate Lecturer at The School of Oil and Gas Engineering, The University of Western Australia from 2006-08. He then became a Consultant with Chevron and Western Australian Energy Research Alliance from 2010-15.
Educational Qualification
- Ph.D., Petroleum Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Australia, 2013.
Research Interests
- Green Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery
- Dynamic Reservoir Characterization
- Production Health Analysis
- Production Optimization
Selected Publications
- GOLDSCHMIDT, P., HAQ, B., CRAWLEY, C., PALANISAMY, S., 2013, “ARTAM-WH Early Predictive Well Health (WH) Meta Monitoring Tool”, APPEA 2014 Journal.
- SERFATY, J.L., POGSON, M. AND HAQ, B. 2011 “Western Australia’s First Underground Gas Storage Field: Specific Failure Modes” APPEA 2011 Journal
- LI, J., LIU, J., TREFRY, M.G., PARK, J., LIU, K., HAQ, B., JOHNSTON, C.D., CLENNELL, B., VOLK, H. 2011, “Impact of Rock Heterogeneity on Interactions of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes”,Journal of Transport in Porous Media, 92, pp. 373-396.
- LI, J., LIU, J., TREFRY, M.G., PARK, J., LIU, K., HAQ, B., JOHNSTON, C.D., CLENNELL, B., VOLK, H. 2010, “Interactions of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes”, Journal of Transport in Porous Media, 87(1) pp. 77-104.
- HAQ, M.B. AND RAHMAN, M.K., 2008 “A Comparative Study of Three Methods for Estimating Initial Gas In Place Applied to Gas Fields in Bangladesh” Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 26, pp. 532-544.
- HAQ, M.B., GOMES, E., TAMIM, M., 2005 “Production Optimization Study of Saldanadi Gas Field” Journal of Chemical Engineering. Published by Chemical Engineering Division, The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Vol. ChE 23, No. 1, ISSN: 0379-4318, December, 2005.
Awards & Honors
- Western Australia CSIRO-University Postgraduate Scholarship (WACUPS)
- Scholarship for International Research Fees (SIRF)