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Dr. AbdAllah AbdRabElNaby Youssef ElSaieed

Post-Doc Researcher, CIPR

Currently, I’m part of the petrophysics group in CIPR. Before joining CIPR, I obtained my PhD from The University of Melbourne, Australia. My work was part of GeoCQuest project, involving a close collaboration between the three leading universities: Stanford, Cambridge and Melbourne. My research targeted generating upscaled rate-dependent anisotropic saturation functions for meso-scale heterogeneity through analyzing multi-phase flow in fluvio-deltaic Parraatte formation at the CO2CRC’s Otway International Test Centre, Australia. In 2018, I obtained my master degree in Petroleum Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals.

Educational Qualification

  • Ph.D., in Petroleum and Reservoir Engineering from The University of Melbourne, Australia, in December 2023
  • M.S., in Petroleum Engineering from King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals in January 2018
  • Bachlors in Petroleum Engineering from Suez University, Egypt, in May 2013

Research Interests

  • Modeling of multi-scale nested geo-heterogeneity
  • Anisotropic rate-dependent saturation functions upscaling
  • Numerical simulation of CO2 geo-sequestration
  • Relative permeability hysteresis upscaling

Selected Publications

  • Youssef, A.A. and Matthäi, S.K., 2022. Upscaled Dynamic Relative Permeability for Unstable CO2 Flow in Stratified Porous Media. Transport in Porous Media, 143(3), pp.657-680
  • Youssef, A.A., Shao, Q. and Matthäi, S.K., 2023, March. Two-Step Upscaling of Sub-Seismic Geo-Heterogeneity with Flow-Rate-And Direction Dependent Saturation Functions. In SPE Reservoir Simulation Conference. OnePetro
  • Youssef, A.A., Tran, L.K. and Matthäi, S.K., 2021. Impact of the vertical resolution of corner-point grids on CO2 plume migration predictions for layered aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 106, p.103249
  • Youssef, A.A., 2019. Inflow performance relationship of vertical wells in fractured vuggy media during semi-steady state flow regime. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 176, pp.970-981
  • Youssef, A.A., Alassar, R.S., Mahmoud, M., Elsayed, M. and Al-Dweik, A.Y., 2021. A novel approach for measuring plane anisotropic permeability through steady-state flow between two concentric cylinders. Advances in Water Resources, 151, p.103884
  • Shao, Q., Boon, M., Youssef, A., Kurtev, K., Benson, S.M. and Matthai, S.K., 2022. Modelling CO2 plume spreading in highly heterogeneous rocks with anisotropic, rate-dependent saturation functions: A field-data based numeric simulation study of Otway. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 119, p.103699

Awards & Honors

  • Second place in regional SPE paper contest in ATS&E 2018
  • Third place in regional SPE paper contest in MEOS 2017