+966 (013) 860-2538
+966 (013) 860-2595
Bldg. 76, Rm. 2215
Dr. Abdullah A. Alshuhail
Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences
Educational Qualification
- Visiting Scholar at the Geophysics Department, Stanford University, USA, 2012-2013.
- Ph.D., Geophysics, University of Calgary, USA, 2011. Dissertation title: CO2 Sequestration Site Characterization and Time-lapse Monitoring Using Reflection Seismic Methods
- M.S., Geophysics, University of Calgary, USA, 2006. Dissertation title: Integration of 3-D Electrical Resistivity Imaging and Ground Penetrating Radar Surveys in Characterizing Near-Surface Fluvial Environment
- B.S., Geophysics, KFUPM, KSA, 2001.
Research Interests
- Climate change education, adaptation, and mitigation.
- Carbon capture and storage (CCS).
- Qualitative and quantitative interpretation of seismic data.
- Environmental and engineering geophysics.
Selected Publications
- Alshuhail, A.; Lawton, D. and Isaac, H., 2010, Geophysical characterization of the Devonian Nisku Formation for the Wabamun Area CO2 Sequestration Project (WASP), Alberta: Energy Procedia.
- Lawton, D; Alshuhail, A.; Coueslan, M. and Chabot, L., 2008, Seismic monitoring at the Penn West Pembina Cardium CO2-EOR pilot, Alberta, Canada – lessons learned: Energy Procedia.
- SanLinn I. Kaka, Juan M. Reyes-Montes, Abdullah Al-Shuhail, Abdullatif A. Al-Shuhail and Michael Jervis, 2016, Analysis of Microseismic Events during a Multi-stage Hydraulic Stimulation Experiment at a Shale Gas Reservoir: Seismological Research Letters.
- Abdullatif Al-Shuhail, Abdullah Alshuhail, et al., 2019, KFUPM Ghawar digital viscoelastic seismic model: Arabian Journal of Geosciences
- Abdullatif Al-Shuhail, Abdullah Alshuhail, et al., 2020, Digital viscoelastic seismic models and data sets of central Saudi Arabia in the presence of near-surface karst features: Journal of Seismic Exploration.